Tiger and Snow

Tiger and Snow

A Chapter by Saki Kikkio


     Shaardul carried Yuki through the busy airport. Yuki was only one year old and looked around him with great interest. His hair was shocking white, his eyes only a few shades darker than his father's. They got to the right gate with only minutes to spare, their bags already on board, and one gym bag holding things that they would need during the trip.
     The flight was long, but thankfully Shaardul was able to keep Yuki entertained through it all. Landing was almost painful, but Yuki seemed to enjoy it. Shaardul had to spend an hour at the baggage claim to get their bags. Outside the wind was blowing and it held flakes of snow, Little Rock, Arkansas was getting an early winter.

     "Tiger, everyone is a tiger?" Ambrosia sat on the hood of a car in the employee parking lot behind the bar. Numair and Nyatui were facing them, Abooksigun was leaning against the same car next to her. Numair nodded, "Yep, well not my sister, you, or Violet." Nyatui coughed, "Nor Ben." The gypsy snapped his fingers, "Or Ben, I had forgotten, thanks Nyatui!" Nyatui nodded and looked around at the surrounding forest, the urge to hunt was crawling under his skin, an itch that needed to be scratched. "I have a proposal for you Fang. Come with me and my friend here, and we can find the other two tigers."
     Ambrosia spoke up, "Two?" Nyatui nodded, "Only two more. We're guessing, one for each element, for each class, or race." It made sense, African, European, Asian, Native American, and Nomad. "Why should I come?" Fang swept his arm around him, "This is my home, my people, family, friends, history, I have no reason to leave." Numair looked perplexed by this, "Why would you want to stay? Come and have adventures and see new people, new places, everyday."
     Ambrosia leaned against her lover and he shifted his arm around her. ''I love it here, I don't want to leave. If you find the others and they share my ideas, what are you going to do, you can't force us." Numair scowled, "I can try." The movement was blurred and couldn't be followed by normal eyes, Abooksigun was not normal. Fang met the dark tiger half way, his own cat form heavier and larger. The sudden force balanced the scales in favor of Fang, Numair was shocked by not only was this a saber tooth tiger, but his weight on Numair's shoulders was causing pain in his back and legs.
     Numair twisted and slid out of the saber's grip, then darted around him. Fang's legs were shorter and stockier, not for speed, an ambush hunter. Modern tigers were built for stealth and speed, climbing and leaping. There was a reason that the prehistoric cat went extinct.
     Numair lept onto Fang's back, in hindsight an all around bad idea. Abooksigun tasted victory as the smaller cat dug its claws into his fur, locking himself in place. The saber tooth froze and let his left legs crumble, rolling and slamming his opponent onto the ground. The air whooshed out of the dark tiger and he went limp, Fang pressed his paw to the boy's throat. 'Give up, before this gets any worse.' Numair snarled but didn't move, Fang lifted his paw and the defeated relaxed into his human form. 
     With the clear sign of the and of the battle, Ambrosia leapt up from her seat and hugged Fang around his neck, burying her face in his fur. "That scared me." She whispered, her eyes were closed and damp, "but at least you can stay with me." He phased back and put his arm around her, "It was worth it, I knew I wasn't going to lose." She nodded but didn't look up at him, he pulled her face up by her chin, "Did you think I would get hurt?" Ambrosia's eyes were filled with tears, "Yes."
     Numair dusted himself off and watched the rare display of affection from Abooksigun. Nyatui did understand the love for ones home and family, he did want it all again, thats why he left with Numair, to find someplace new to plant his roots. "Come on Nyatui." Numair stalked away, but his friend did not follow. 

     Shaardul drove the rental car all the way to Junction city in one day, cheeked into a hotel and let Yuki move around the room. The little boy was as tired as the man from the trip and ended up curled up with his head pillowed on Shaardul's arm asleep. Nether stirred until morning.
     The snow had stuck to the ground and covered the city in a thin sheet. Yuki was not impressed. Shaardul didn't know what to do next, waiting seemed like a good idea, but for what? Still, a tiger's best hunting skill was his ability to wait out the prey, thats what he would do. For a week he did wait, until they found him.

     "Come ON!" Violet yelled as she banged on Fang's bedroom door. Ambrosia, drowsy and ruffled from sleep, peaked around the door. "Good morning." She mumbled, Violet sighed, "It's Sunday afternoon, are you two going to stay in bed all day?" Fang's voice came from the room, thick with sleep, "Yes." Ambrosia smiled, "That sounds good to me." Violet rolled her eyes, "Like hell." She grabbed Ambrosia's arm and pulled her down to her own room to help her get dressed. By time they were done Fang was dressed and clean sitting in the kitchen with a mug of fresh coffee.
     "Good, I figured if I took your reason for staying in bed you would get up." Violet sat Ambrosia at the table and got her a glass of milk. "So today we have plans." The lovers looked up at Violet, "We do?" Exasperated Violet through her hands up, "Damn it, of course we do! Don't ya'll remember yesterday after work? 'Tomorrow we need to go into town and get some things.' The exact words I said, so I decided to make a trip of it. That's what we're doing today." She crossed her arms scowling, "Can't believe you weren't listening." Ambrosia bowed her head, "I'm sorry Violet, my mind was in other places at the time." She was pitiful. Violet sighed, "It's okay, just don't make a habit of it." She looked at Fang, hoping that with the change in him since he started sleeping with the cat would make him feel the need to apologize. He shrugged and finished his drink, then walked out of the kitchen, "You two have fun."
     Violet might as well have turned into a valkyrie for all that she did. Yelling she ran after him and jumped onto his back, he fell and landed face first on the floor. "B***h!" He snapped, "A*s! You're coming to!" He growled but ended up driving them all the way to Junction City.

     Snow on the ground was a new experience for Ambrosia, she danced around catching flakes on her tongue, laughing when they melted in her mouth. They sat outside a cafe, Fang sipped on his coffee, while Violet nibbled on her warm cookie, Ambrosia had eaten a brownie with a hot chocolate. Tired she sat next to Fang, leaning on his arm, "It's so pretty."  Fang nodded watching her, he no longer stiffened up at her touch, it seemed to relax him. Violet looked around, nothing too exciting was happening so far, no spontaneous snowball fights, or parades. Kids stayed inside hoping the snow would thicken up and school would be canceled the next day.
     An asian man with long black hair walked past them to go into the shop. As he past both he and Fang stiffened. Their eyes meet and an understanding was made. They wanted nothing to do with other tigers, but had no choice in at least meeting each other. Fang nudged Ambrosia before standing, then went inside. He sat across from Shaardul, they studied each other quietly, finally Ambrosia skipped in and promptly sat in Fang's lap. "Where did you go?" He smiled surprised and caught off guard but her abruptness. "Right here, can't you tell?" She frowned as she thought about it then seemed to notice Shaardul for the first time. Grinning she reached across the table and shook his hand, "Hello! I'm Ambrosia, I'm Abooksigun's lover. Who are you?" He was startled, but took her hand, "Shaardul, nice to meet you." This seemed to please Ambrosia, "You could have just said you had to talk to another tiger." She pecked Fang on the lips and shimmied out of his lap and practically dance out the door.
     "That cat is bold, and jealous, what do you think she would do if I made out with you?" Fang directed the question at Shaardul, but didn't expect him to pay it any mind, he didn't even realize he had said it out loud. "I'm going to have to object to any thing of the sort, I have reason for living." Fang chuckled, "Sounds fair, how much do you know?" A waitress brought his order and left in a hurry.
     Ambrosia sat on a short wall, swinging her feet and watching the sky. Violet sat next to her, siping on Fang's drink.

© 2013 Saki Kikkio

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Added on May 30, 2013
Last Updated on November 9, 2013
Tags: tiger, world, asia, sword, travel


Saki Kikkio
Saki Kikkio

griffin, GA

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