Harvest Lights

Harvest Lights

A Poem by Monica Chen

Another ten words contest entry...

The sunflowers that were but seedlings last month
Now remain as dried up stalks
And I couldn't help but linger...
Linger and walk about the dried-up patch
And wonder where the time had gone.

Time, oh the sly little thing, had slipped 
Right past my fingers 
And rotted away along with this patch
Of cracked dirt and wilted leaves --
So this is what it means! 

The tantalizing Harvest lights dance farther out, 
Round and glowing like little orbs and
Hang from bright festive string as 
I sit, alone and removed, upon a slab of alabaster,
And mourn methodically over a 
Loss that was never mine.

A stallion, young and sturdy gallops past my field
Of vision and carefully cultivated grief,
Flicking its tail. How flamboyant!
How absurd, to be mocked by such a beast
I wave my fist angrily at the beast's noisy retreat...

And then it was quiet. So horribly quiet!
I tiptoed on the hollow corpses
Of the sun's short-lived children and squint into the night
But the stallion is gone and I'm all alone
In a barren patch trapped in a chamber of darkness.

© 2016 Monica Chen

Author's Note

Monica Chen
Sunflowers have always made me feel uneasy. I'm not sure why...but wilting sunflowers are even worse! Maybe this is a new phobia....haha!

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Added on October 30, 2016
Last Updated on October 30, 2016
Tags: autumn, stallion, loneliness, sunflowers, dirt


Monica Chen
Monica Chen


I'm an 18 year old aspiring poet and fiction writer with an addiction to kpop. I tend to write only when the mood hits me and am trying to explore different genres and themes. My "work song" is The.. more..
