WHO are YOU?

WHO are YOU?

A Story by mr8perez

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WHo are YOU?

Written by: Tony perez

:[email protected]


Who are you when nobody is watching?

Who are you before you go to sleep?

Who are you deep inside?

Life is not about discovering a possible “YOU”. Life is about EMBRACING what is within. Embracing who you truly are may be difficult for many. Why? Simply because many do not know. One is completely confused when perceived about one. Most people come to notice, actions they take upon are a result of others approval and not themselves.

So are you really yourself? Or are you trying to be someone you THINK you should be, judged by what others consider “cool,normal,correct”?

We live in a society where mostly every individual follows the crowd, people are quick enough to switch up on who they truly are, just to be accepted by society. This has been an affair since the beginning of human life. We have been taught if we do not do this or that, we are considered weird or out of class. It is a cycle, a cycle that can only be broken by one. We are manipulated in many ways, we are no longer self choiced. We are a reflection of the picture society paints for us.

We no longer think for ourselves.

We no longer express ourselves.

We no longer do what WE love.

We no longer appreciate the true value of life.

We are no longer ourselves.

STOP trying to be accepted by society, how about start accepting yourself. Accept the person who you truly are when no one is looking and who you truly enjoy being, show no care of any critic. Critics are only there to bring you down into being something you are not. If you follow, you will only be miserable.

FREE YOURSELF from everything that does not belong. STOP being someone else, everyone is perfect the way they are. You are to embrace your perfection, not invade others. Let others be who they are capable to be.

The only obligation you have is respecting and loving yourself, which will later lead to loving and respecting others.

Everyone should be able to do whatever makes them profoundly happy. HAVING IN MIND, never to hurt others in any physical or verbally way.

By avoiding any hurtful emotion to one, you are pure blessing to someone.

Be a blessing to yourself and others.

Be the person to bless someone by being a positive influence and attracted energy. Do not ‘bless’ someone by trying to follow up on what they do.

There is nothing more beautiful than realizing you are who you truly are; KNOWING deep down inside you are making your own choices and not doing something because you see others do it, you do not depend on anyone, you do not live for anyone, and you surely do not follow anyone.

Sure, you can always be influenced by one, though, you should always consider to stay in your own lane.

As I stated, you can learn from others, grow to be a better YOU. Not be the same as them, but using their influence to embrace yourself with indulgment. One should be able to notice what makes them happy, indulging is necessary in order to GROW. Not to duplicate, you are not him/her and they are not you. Indulging results in gathering everything together and embracing everything into ONE. It is accepting CHANGE, change what grows within.

One should be able to notice the difference between positive and negative. One can learn from anyone. Embrace the good, exclude the bad. Help one another. Grow as a society, do no tell someone WHAT to think, teach them HOW to think.

You are not ‘here’ to impress others or be someone’s duplicate.

You can have what you want, be what YOU want.

But most are not who they want to be, but what others want them to be.

DO NOT be concerned about someone accepting you.

One who truly wants to be around you, will accept and respect you regardless of who you want to be.

Instead of concluding someone, guide them. You NEVER know what obstacles someone may be going through, the least you can do is guide them with positivity, support, and love.

STOP enjoying someone else struggle, lift them up! You might never know, you might need that someone one day, or any other help from someone else.

Let’s start helping each other, respecting one’s OWN choices. Criticizing someone for doing something that makes THEM happy only says much about yourself.

The reason why many people nowadays follow the crowd, is due to criticism. Society paints a picture of how you should look like, what you should do, who you should be, and if you are not exactly as painted, you are not accepted and out of ‘normality’.

Let someone else be who THEY want to be, do not criticize, support them. AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT HARMING ANYONE PHYSICALLY NOR VERBALLY, THEY ARE IN THEIR OWN WILL TO BE CONTENT!

Nevertheless, I am here for all of you guys, I love YOU and I respect YOU. DO NOT give up nor give in. YOU are beYOUtiful, YOU are worth it, YOU are valuable, YOU will overcome those obstacles, YOU will embrace yourself, YOU are appreciated, and most importantly, YOU are perfect.


Be pure

Be yourself

Be content

Be grateful

Be YOUniverSOUL!

© 2016 mr8perez

Author's Note

Tony loves you all, and I am here for all who needs guidance regarding embracing themselves.
I am one message away.

Thank you all. :)

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Added on September 2, 2016
Last Updated on September 2, 2016
Tags: Life, Love, You, Beautiful, Help, Care, Gratitude, Be Yourself, Appreciation, Happiness, Grateful, Motivation, Positive, Story, Energy




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