Profound, Drunken Thoughts

Profound, Drunken Thoughts

A Story by Namaa Hammond

12:50 AM

For some reason your symmetry fooled me into your doubt. The doubt of distraught and misery lying alongside the path. I've opened the doorway to hell and now I'm forced to walk inside. Not even you can help me this time for I have seen the river run dry before with this broken glass that my vodka sits in. The fear and secrets I've swallowed have spun my head into circles letting my blood run cold and dry. Surprises of what I've fed you have done nothing but wear me down with the under appreciation that once filled my glass of doubt, leaving hope empty. Wishing I could explain it in terms that will not shatter the glass, I know of no hope and no trust to refill it. Thank you for the invitation into your arms, but now I am thirsty and I cannot get out.
I cannot kill what is inside, but in a world of hate and religion I cringe to. Please do not hate my soul too if I free this one away into a world of greater mortality. Please forgive me if I slide away, because my cursed glass had cut my lips in two. Now that I've shattered the glass for two, the soul, like the cup was never to be the same again.

© 2014 Namaa Hammond

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I have to say this is a good work better than mine which also covered alcohol bit this was way better and executed better. Always good to see good work. 8.510

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Namaa Hammond

10 Years Ago

Thank you :)

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1 Review
Added on April 12, 2014
Last Updated on April 12, 2014