Day of the Dragon Rider

Day of the Dragon Rider

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader



Day of the Dragon Riders 
Destiny of the Dragon Rider
Will soon bring back the day
Filling the skies with her fiery breath
Rider and dragon, their destiny found
All that is evil will find their death
Princess Malondra meanders
Through the winding halls
Of Castle Dark
Listening to the echoes
Haunting her in the dark
Once it was a peaceful palace
Known as Castle Blair
She alone is all that’s left alive
Of the long lineage of Blair
 No one else could survive
Her father King Armaiss
Died at the hands
Of the Dark Prince’s sword
Queen Helena’s hand he craved
And he would be her lord
Her refusal sent him into a rage
And he stoked the fire blazing hot
Her mother burned at the stake
In the court yard below
Her grandmother’s heart did brake
Grandmother’s heart failed
As she watched her daughter burn
Leaving six year old Malondra … and
Brother Zander, her twin
Zander sold as slave far across the sand
French guillotine blade falls and executes person animated gif 
Her older brother Braden
Was beheaded before her eyes
His blood splattered on her dress
And then seeped into the ground
Her screams she could not suppress
Dark Prince glared, his eyes burning into hers
She had her mother’s smile … and
Lust burned in his eyes
His spinney fingers held her face 
As he noted her sparkling blue eyes
You will grow my dear, he said
Soon you'll be in full bloom of womanhood
And you will be my captive and sit here by my side
His evil laugh made her cry
All she could do was run and hide her world had gone awry
Dark Prince had claimed her
As his princess bride
He’d turn her pure heart black
On the day she comes of age
Or his whip he’d crack
Days turned into months … and
Months turned into years
One more month and she’d be his wife
To ravage and destroy
And take what was left of her haunted life
Malondra walks alone
Out on the tower ledge
Praying that her foot might slip
Freeing her from his evil touch
So many times she had prayed to trip
Still, she knows it’s wrong
She is the last of the Blair’s bloodline
Malondra will silently endure
Longing for brother Zandar
In this nightmare so obscure
She knew that he must be dead
When Dark Prince told her of his fate
The evil Prince relished in her tears
Word had been delivered
Zander died in his early years
Malondra will live out her days
Writhing in her pain of loss
Shadows filled her soul
Deliverance will only come
With a Rider from days of ole
small bird with a letter 
Malondra’s fate is set
In the evil arms of the Dark Prince
Held prisoner in her beloved home
Her only solace in her existence
Was the bird she called Jerome
Jerome perched on her finger
And listened when she cried
Never told her she was wrong
He always flew by her side ... And
 Lifted his gilded voice singing loud and long
Until the day Dark Prince heard his song
And sent out Demon his evil cat
To devour her precious Jerome
Demon pounced upon the singing bird
Feathers is all that was left of songbird Jerome
Sweet Malondra's tears fell like rain
Nothing left to sooth her aching heart
She knew she should have sent Jerome far away
Singing to another princess somewhere
Instead of the demon cat's dinner this day
Once she sat at evening tide
In the twilight’s afterglow
Sitting on her grandmother’s knee
As Grandmother whispered stories of old
While she watched the barges on the sea
She barely remembers the light of Castle Blair
And her carefree childhood days
Or the happiness she felt inside
When her mother tucked her into bed
No dreams since then of being a happy bride
Try as she may to remember
Only heartache in this place
Once a glorious palace
But now it is dark and dank
And all eyes look on with malice
Darkness fills her lonely heart
As sinister shadows fall
No love surrounding her, only grief
Fills her aching heart
All love stolen by the sinister evil thief
Malondra the beautiful
Crown Princess of the realm
All she has is dark dreams
In the midnight hour
Of the Dark Prince and his evil schemes
Oh the days of the Dragon Riders
When dragons filled the sky above
Only a fading memory of days gone by
I long for them to come again
She whispers with a sigh
Dragon Riders once roamed the skies
Flying sleek and fast on dragons bold
They filled the sky’s night air
Their stories prophets still tell
And singing Minstrels sang with flair
 It was two evil dragons
Hatched from their tainted eggs
They swooped through the countryside
Breathing fire on their kin
When their flight ended all Riders had died
As each Rider burned another dragon fell
All hope then was vanquished
And now they are no more
Their blood cries out from the ground
Now ends the Dragon Riders lore
Once the sun ruled the sky
But now dark clouds fill the air
Armies of Light fought hard to no avail
Darkness blotted out the blazing sun
Marring her beauty pale
Malondra dreams of a Rider by night
Her unceasing prayers heard each day
Grandmother Darlama told her the wondrous tale
Of how Riders and their dragons flew guard
Through mountains, valleys and in the vale
They perched by day on the cliffs
Surrounding Castle Blair
She listened to the tale upon her grandmother's knee
As each mystical story filled her brain
She now asked the gods to grant a final decree
Malondra saw it unfold within her mind
All the mysteries of the vast unknown
And she put it to memory there
Locked safely away for all time … And
Nightly her prayers drift up from Castle Blair
She dared not utter her prayers aloud
For fear of the Dark Prince’s rage
So silently, so silently she used her inner voice
She prayed for the return of the Dragon Riders
And for that day she would rejoice
They would be for her protection 
And for all those she loved
 Flying over the sea into her mystic realm
In her dreams she sees
Great Poseidon standing at the helm
She calls out to the gods
With one final heartfelt prayer
To bring back the Riders’ day
To save her from the Dark Prince
Then hung her head in dismay
There wasn’t enough time
Her wedding approached on the month's marrow
Malondra fled to her balcony in tears
Her upcoming nuptials
And all she feared throughout the years
She felt the constant pain that
Loomed heavy on her heart
For she knew so well
The dark heart of the Prince
Would burn her heart in his evil spell
Yes it would burn … and then
Enter her soul and turn her as evil
As all the wickedness she abhor
She would no longer be
Herself anymore
The princess of light consumed in the ash
With a dark heart beating coldly in her chest
Her memories all gone, completely wiped away
No whispered prayers coming from her lips
All her people she would betray
Malondra’s heart cried out in pain
She uttered one final prayer
And it floated high on the wind
Far into the sky past all the dark clouds
Back to the gods where all things transcend
Her prayer was heard on Mount Olympus  
Lord Zeus raised his thunderbolt to the sky
Malondra heard a loud voice as thunder roared
Dragon awaken call your Rider to your side
Obey my voice I am Zeus your lord
Time of the Dragon Rider has come full circle round
Bless this land with your Rider’s heart
Complete yourself with your dragon strong
And forever end the Dark Prince’s reign
Free my people and right all that’s wrong
In the stillness of night
 An egg of golden embers glow
Its fiery cinders sent down to the earth below
 By the god of fire, days of the dragon will rule
Rider, feel your dragon’s heart aglow
Your dragon has waited a thousand years for this day
For you its rider to finally come of age
You’ll find her buried in the darkest cave
Safe from the Shape Shifter’s sword
Deep in her chest beats a bold heart that’s brave
She’s now small and vulnerable 
But that will soon change
Her strength will be the force
That will carry you on this quest
You’ll defeat evil if you always stay the course
She’ll hatch and grow in the space of a month
She’ll learn to fly sleek and fast … And
She’ll destroy evil with her fiery breath
With her help you will succeed
And the evil Dark Prince will find his death
She’ll fly through the air burning her mark
 Wherever she goes you her rider will hold her reigns
Guiding her on this quest to free princess fair
From Castle Dark and bring back her youthful smile
This I decree because of Malondra’s prayer
Christian the bold hunts by night in darkest wood
Straight arrows flashing through the air
Finding the heart of his prey
Not fearing the Dark Prince’s rage
The bravest of lads to his mother’s dismay
His mother Alaina kept him safe through the years
Guarding his identity keeping secret his father’s name 
She had suffered starvation from the day of his birth
But his Riders heart has finally emerged
And now he takes good aim without girth
By the light of the moon Christian takes home his prize
Starvation, no longer a word is his vocabulary
His hunting skills are finely attuned
In sync with darkest night
His eyes blaze under the yellow moon
Like fiery embers burning in the night
Christian’s heart beats as one with the glowing egg
Time has come for the Rider and dragon to unite
Taking their place as defenders of the realm
And dragon’s hot breath will soon ignite
Christian is drawn through the darkest wood
To the cave’s in the Forest Black
He feels the pull of his dragon’s heart at his flank
And stumbling on he finds his way
To the cave so dark and dank
Although he knows not why
He follows the glowing beacon … As
His Rider’s heart urges him onward
He crouches low in the shadows
Like on a hunt following the herd
Finally he’s standing in front of the cave
Christian’s Rider’s heart beats in his chest
With jagged breath he ventures inside
Following the golden glow of the egg
With swift feet he walks with pride
Christian observes the glowing egg
It throbs beneath his touch
Young dragon hatches and hearts beat as one
Christian’s young and still unsure
His father’s ghost whispers, It’s time my son
Christian knows the dragon tales
From the stories in his youth
He now remembers his mother’s declaration
That he was his father’s son and heir
And one day he would cleave to his life’s station
You are destined for great things my son
His father’s voice spoke from the grave
Christian now understood, he’s a Dragon Rider of the dawn
Brave and true his father’s ghost spoke to his mind
“My son, with your brave Rider’s heart you’ll now carry on”
Spirit of the Dragon Rider whispered to his soul
Young Christian, young dragon together in the cave
In the space of month you’ll both remain
While your infant dragon grows sleek and strong
Feed and care for her and don’t let my death be in vain
Young dragon soon ventures out of the safety of the cave
A new world to explore and taste along the way
Together they romp through meadows green
Smelling the wild flowers and playing in the spring rain
Young Christian feasts on berries and venison a fine cuisine
 Young dragon eats his fill of rodents in the cave
Then dines on squirrels, rabbits and anything that moves
She swallows them whole in the blink of an eye
Storing up food that will make her grow strong
And be the dragon brave and bold, on her his Rider will rely
In one swift moment her wings take flight
Now her metamorphosis begins in midair
She streaks through the sky, a beautiful sight
With lightning speed her dragon heart beats fast
Christian holds his Rider’s breath, as he gazes with delight
Christian views her transformation
No longer the infant from the egg
She’ll be a giant of the sky swift and renowned
She swoops down to the earth with wings outspread
Landing at Christian’s feet with earthquake sound
Shaking the ground under his feet
Her silent voice speaks from her mind to his
My name is Andromeda and I’ve waited so long
Deep in the cave a thousand years I’ve waited for you
Our destiny is to right all that is wrong
Now I’m your dragon and you my Rider bold
Climb upon my back and together we’ll soar
Throughout the endless sky in defense of the realm
We'll destroy the ship of the Dark Prince
As his dark heart stands at the helm
We’ll avenge all the Dragon Riders who came before
Lucifer fear my fiery breath, we take back Castle Blair
Christian’s young eyes saw the skies open wide
As flashes of lightning streaked across the sky
A miracle occurred and it couldn’t be denied
Zeus called down thunder, lightning exploded in the air
Thunderbolt in his right hand and fire from his fingertips
Lightning and thunder’s deafening cracks
Rips open the night sky in the blink of an eye
Torrents of rain pelt the ground below as Zeus rears back
 Great Zeus let loose with a single mighty thrust
Sending a searing fire to earth to make his mark
On this Dragon Rider’s heart and the blinding light
Fills young Christian’s eyes and in a single moment of pain
Scales fell from his childlike eyes revealing a Rider’s sight
Christian felt the burn as lightning flashed
From Zeus’s right hand burning the Rider’s mark
Deep into his chest over his righteous heart within
A blazing heart above his now beats with truth and right
He hears it thumping hard against his skin
With the mark of the Rider Christian’s destiny is known
He and his dragon now will make things right
They will free the kingdom and all that is therein  
And win back the throne for the Princess of the realm
Christian on Andromeda will rid the world of Evil’s sin
Christian the Rider is one with his dragon
Andromeda will forever be one with her Rider
Now the Dark Prince’s plot is no longer unknown
Christian takes his place upon Andromeda’s back
She spread her wings, now they take back the throne
Into the night sky dragon and her Rider flew
Christian looked down and beheld Castle Dark below
Malondra’s beauty glowed within his eyes so bold
Christian beheld her beautiful face from high in the sky
Malondra the fair princess was a sight to behold
High on the balcony Malondra stood gazing at the stars
She gasps as she saw the dragon’s form take shape
Its silhouette outlined against the full yellow moon
Her pure heart filled with joy as she stood so very still
Her prayers had been answered on this clear night in June
Andromeda swooped low as Christian’s hand brushed her cheek
She is my destiny my everything and my reason for being
Andromeda heard his silent voice speak to her mind’s ear
He told of a love that was ordained from the beginning of time
My Rider, the princess holds your heart now she’s nothing to fear
Out of the darkness the Dark Prince appeared
And covered her with his cloak pulling her near
He would never release her and would fight to the death
To retain his dark realm and his princess fair … But
Andromeda will consume his wickedness with her fiery breath
He lowered the drawbridge rode his evil steed into the night
Now clothed in battle armor and prepared for war
Christian’s inner voice spoke and Andromeda swooped low
With one blast of her fiery breath the drawbridge was in flames
Another fiery blast and she torched the earth below
Battle lines now drawn Dark Prince called out his worst
Then out of the darkness the Shape Shifters rode in on black steeds
One moment they were men and in the next lions held the reins
Gnashing teeth could be seen and their tails a serpents head
In one hand they held fiery swords and in the other were binding chains
Soon the armies of light joined the fight to the death
Marching in rank they came from the north and the south
Word of the Dragon Rider had spread throughout the land
Riding fast, more came from the east and from the west
Mountains high and valleys low and far across the sand
From forest hideaways and farms they marched without fear
Carrying pitchforks and axes shovels and spears
Face to face with the beasts calling out the Dark Prince’s name
Lucifer, the day of the Dragon Rider has returned
Your days are numbered, now comes the end of your evil game
Swords now drawn flashing in the noon day sun
A blast from the breath of Zeus dark clouds separated
The gleaming sun shined through, blinding their evil foe
The battle raged on, but soon the Victor the spoil
Evil’s army doomed to defeat as Andromeda swooped low
A fight to the death Christian’s inner voice spoke once more
Andromeda’s flame destroyed the army of lions in a single blast
Gomez the Shape Shifter lord invoked his shifting power
Changing his form growing taller than mountains … And
Dagger like spines emerged from his back in the last hour
His head transformed with the evilest of looks … And
His spear like teeth glistened in the afternoon sun
The furnace within him came out with his breath
Young Christian’s eyes beheld this horrible sight … And
He and Andromeda knew it would be a fight to the death
Christian drew his sword Andromeda roared
Her furnace burned, fueled by the purest of hearts
Fire filled her nostrils as she and her Rider took flight
Gomez suddenly grew wings, an evil dragon he became
Exposed now the blackest of hearts, a real fearsome sight
Nothing more evil had ever drawn breath in the Lucifer’s hordes
Gomez the dark dragon flapped his evil wings and took flight
 Dark Prince glared into the sky from the ground
More Shape Shifters arrived from the north in full serpent form
And from their forked tongues screeched the most horrible sound
They were the scourge of the Dark Realm
Marching to do battle with the armies of Light
Their evil hearts burned with the hatred for all of mankind
The sinister Dark Prince had trained them well in all things evil
Within their evil eyes they had the power to strike a man blind
These serpents held off the armies of Light, giving Gomez time
In a single brief moment, Gomez flew high in the sky
Evil, ready to bring an untimely end to the first Dragon Rider
Invisible to the naked eye Gomez blew his fiery breath
Four barbs on his chest contained venom like a Spider
Andromeda had a few tricks of her own and she sucked in the air
And she too did grow larger much larger than Gomez
Andromeda’s fiery breath blew hot sealing Evil’s fate
A fatal error, Gomez didn’t note Christian’s all seeing eye
Christian’s Rider’s eyes saw through Gomez’s invisible state
 By Christian’s guidance Andromeda swooped in fast
Christian drew his virtuous sword and grazed Gomez's black heart
Andromeda sucked in air and she blew her fiery breath
Her breath burned hot nearly melting his evil heart
Rendering Gomez on the verge of death
One final burst of strength, Evil dragon retaliates
He’s pushed back again and again
By Christian’s righteous swift sword
Sword finds its mark plunged deep into his black heart
And he explodes in the air, gone now the dark lord
Falling in pieces to the ground
Andromeda roars as she swoops low
Last of the evil army burned in her flame
Christian and Andromeda victors of the day
Dark Prince only has himself to blame
With her dragon claws
Andromeda grasps him up out of the land
She flies to darkest sea looks down beneath a wave
Christian’s inner voice speaks
Drop him to his watery grave
Good Poseidon, god of the sea imprisons the Dark Prince
And stands ready to lock the gate
Beneath the swelling waves for one thousand years
He’ll pace inside his cage awaiting another day
From his dark prison he hears all the applauding cheers
Lucifer bellows from his watery grave
He curses the Rider and his dragon bold
He swore to return with all his rage
Hissing and spitting calling Christian's name
My day will come it's foretold by the Sage
When Dragon Riders are no more
And darkness again reigns supreme
I’ll come back to Castle Blair
And take back the realm and all I survey
Again I’ll claim my bride your daughter fair
With a swift thrust of his sword
Christian bolts Lucifer's prison door
You'll never be released from this cage
You aren't the only one
Who has heard the words of the Sage
Christian speaks to Andromeda's mind
Carry me to Malondra and Castle Blair
This day your Rider will ask for her hand
A happy bride she'll be on her wedding day
And together we'll reign in this war torn land
 bride walking animated gif
Princess Malondra whispers his name
Christian you are now my king
Together we’ll walk down the aisle
Joining our hearts as one
Andromeda couldn’t help but smile
Christian laid his lovely bride
Upon their marriage bed
To consummate their love at last
Fireworks explode in the night sky as
Andromeda’s fiery breath erupts flying strong and fast
One short year later in the realm
King Christian sits on his throne
He calls Andromeda to his side
From the mountain where she’s standing guard
He calls for more fireworks as the constellations collide
Andromeda stands before the throne
With his silent voice Christian speaks
From his mind to hers the first dragon in the land
Another egg awaits to hatch another Rider has just been born
Your numbers will soon be complete, now go at my command
The great god Zeus has declared this hatchling is a male
So soon Andromeda you’ll have a mate
And many more dragons will fill the night skies
The day of the Dragon Rider has only just begun
And the realm had found its prize
Dragons will live forever in this war torn land
Fighting for right and justice and their fellowman
Because within the heart of each dragon beats a Rider true
I draw my righteous sword and declare this very day
You’re the Queen of the dragons, this title I now bestow on you
Fly high my Dragon Queen
Royalty now graces your name
Queen Andromeda, take your place in the stars
You'll live in the heavens for centuries to come
Stand proud Dragon Queen and display your battle scars
Day of the Dragon Rider lives longer than a day
Throughout the millenniums, generations will know your name
You're Queen Andromeda the greatest dragon in the realm
Minstrels everywhere will sing their songs about you
You're this Captain's ship I'm proud to stand at your helm
Andromeda! Andromeda! Andromeda
Dragon Queen of the realm
Our destinies collide
I’m your rider ... And
Soon another dragon will fight by your side

By  Nancy Lee Shrader
© 2009 Nancy Lee Shrader (All rights reserved)




© 2009 Nancy Lee Shrader

My Review

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Dear Nancy Lee,

Wonderful poem and epic story. Congratulations for taking first prize for best poem in Albert's "DESTINY" contest. A well deserved award.

Best regards,


Posted 14 Years Ago

Lovely! interesting story!

Posted 14 Years Ago

A very enchanting and exciting tale!

Posted 14 Years Ago

All I can say about this piece is WOW WOW WOW FANTASTIC!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

all i can say is one word... WOW! this poem is great!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is an amazing illistration of the fight between good and evil. One of my favorites.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Greatly enjoyed. You do an amazing job of writing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on March 5, 2009
Last Updated on December 17, 2009


Nancy Lee Shrader
Nancy Lee Shrader

Beckley, WV

Nancy Lee Shrader resides in Beckley, West Virginia. She is author of three books IS IT NOW? The End of Days! IS HE MESSIAH? Messianic Prophecies Revealed! And The Curse of Mayweather House Nancy Lee .. more..
