If At First We Don't Stop and Smell the Roses

If At First We Don't Stop and Smell the Roses

A Poem by Regina K. Pride

"I wanna know what love is... I want you to show me..."

Then he holds my heart in his hands:

I know this is not a dream
because I haven't woken up yet.
Five years from now we sit
in a booth at his favorite coffee shop.
We mask our true feelings in our mugs
but we both know what's coming next.
He asks to see me another time,
somewhere time can catch up to us.

I write poems on my wrists 
and they're all about him.

When we see each other again,
he wears a grin as wide as a crater.
We escape to the countryside
to see the stillness of the stars.
He points one out and says I can have it;

I have never owned a star.

We walk back to the city
taking a hidden trail that
leads us patch working future things,
intangible things,
that's when I realize he's so good
at stitching love to my jacket.
And yet I'm haunted by fall out
and stumbling backwards,
but he grabs my hand and pulls me forward...

Here I am standing on the sidewalk
remembering I forgot my car keys,
turn around and there he is
spilling coffee from his favorite
coffee shop all over his tie.
I apologize, offering to buy him another cup,
he smiles and says,
"I have a better idea."

© 2014 Regina K. Pride

My Review

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Lol... you`d mentioned, you never fell into the love but this poem`s showing me something different than what you`d mentioned in "The Capricious Love" ..well, quiet strange. Sometimes, mind plays tricks to hearts. Anyway, Nice imagery.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Regina K. Pride

9 Years Ago

Thanks for the review! Yeah, it is strange. I just write my love type poems based off of extremely i.. read more
I love this, though I truly am wondering what happens next. It would be remarkable if you made a extension poem. My curiosity has been peaked.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Regina K. Pride

9 Years Ago

An extension of this poem would be interesting. Thank you for the review as well!
Shadows Ember

9 Years Ago

No problem at all.
I can't tell you how much I love this piece. It is amazing. You have penned something absolutely wonderful. I am so glad you entered this in my contest because it would have been a shame not to see it. Amazing write. Definitely worth the first place. I love the descriptions and how vivid this is.

Completely, totally, 100% phenomenal!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Regina K. Pride

9 Years Ago

Thank you!

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 25, 2014
Last Updated on September 25, 2014
Tags: love, future, poem, poetry, happy, falling in love, in love


Regina K. Pride
Regina K. Pride


Hi Guys! So I haven't been very active lately because of my tumblr blog and my new YouTube channel and college, but I'm getting back to my writing. Today is the release of my first poetry book. You sh.. more..


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