Faiza Iqbal : Writing

Braid like a Raven

Braid like a Raven

A Story by Faiza Iqbal

I felt a gust of cold air nip on my face as it shrouded my vision in a thick white veil. When the smog was beginning to clear out, I started see..


A Story by Faiza Iqbal

It was regular sized. Not too big, not too small. Just the one I preferred. Tiny white crystals, glistening in the thick caramel syrup, floated ..
‘I was scared stiff...’

‘I was scared stiff...’

A Story by Faiza Iqbal

Nothing serious happened after this. Just a few rantings :P
The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days

A Story by Faiza Iqbal

Not a true story.