Chapter 1: Who is she?

Chapter 1: Who is she?

A Chapter by Klaus SheX

The beginning of the story. In this episode we meet alot of the characters. Alik meets Gabby. The first day of school. And much more.. This is a special extended Pilot episode...


The following is rated 14+ due to Profanity, sex, and violence

Chronicles of a Vampire

[*]Chapter 1: Who is she?[*]

Scene1: 6:01am

It is 6:01 am on September 1st. And it is the first day of school. The alarm just went off and Alik wakes up.

[alarm goes off..beep...beep..beep]

Alik- Damn 6:01am already, I guess it is time to get ready for school.

(Alik hops into the shower, he then goes downstairs at 6:15)

John- Hey there is the big senior, how you feeling kid.

Alik- Im kind of scared and hype at the same time.

John- Hey we all were scared and hype during our last day of school. right Elena?

Elena- I remember my first day that's when i meet your father.

John- Yea we were in the same English class.

Jenn- Hey mom can you drive us to school today?

Elena- I guess I could, Alik do you want a ride?

Alik- Na, mom I am gonna get a ride from James.

Elena- Ok then.

John- Humm, Damn 6:45, I have to go to work, got something big going down today.

Elena- Alright hun have a great day.

John- I love you Elena, bye kids.

[John opens the front door, steps outside and walks to his car]

[There is a report on TV. Breaking News into the Newsroom. Two hikers have been found dead in the Eastwood Forest. The two hikers were found one mile west of route forty-three. Police are saying they were bitten by a black bear. Both had puncture wounds on their necks. We will have more news at noon about this black bear malling]

Elena- Holy s**t, thats like right near where mama lives.

Alik- Wow, thats strange how does a black bear winde up killing 2 people, by biting their necks. Sounds like a vampire killing to me.

Jenn- Alik, shut the hell up. Vampires are not real and you sound like a dick saying it was a vampire.

Alik- Jenn I'm just playing, alright you shut up.

Elena- both of you shut up. Katie go upstairs and get your backpack.

Katie- OK mom..

[A car horn goes off outside. Alik looks outside and John is waiting for him]

Alik- Bye mom, John is outside.

Elena- OK have a great day Hun.

Alik- Alright mom

[Alik gets in the car, John is driving, They go to school]

Scene 2: School

[Alik and John open the door to the school. And are greated by the school principal.]

Principal Anderson- Good morning gentlemen.

Alik- Good Morning Mr. Anderson.

John- Ahh another year at Eastwood High.

Alik- You mean our last year at Eastwood High.

John- Yea your right..

Will- Morning guys?

John- Sup Chi?

Alik- How was your summer.

Will- Ahh it was good, we took a trip to Florida.

Alik- Nice man.

Will- Dude whats your homeroom?

Alik- Room 225.

John- 228.

Will- Damn i got 302. Mr. Skirtzman.

Alik- Dude he is an awesome teacher.

Will- Yea but i wanted Ms. Swan. She is so damn hot.

John- Got that right Bro.

Alik- Oh my god man, you are f*****g hilarious..

Will- Ight guys im gonna go talk to Mary. See you around.

Alik- Peace man.

[15 minutes later Alik is in Homeroom, Room 225, Ms. Swan]

Swan- Good morning students, this is senior homeroom 225. Today i will give each of you papers that must be signed and returned.

Alik- [whispering to Mason] Dude she is hot!!

Mason- Dude i heard she is dating an eighteen year old.

Alik- Damn brah..

Swan- Alright here we go.. [wrote on the board 9:05am]

Swan- This is the time when we will go get school pictures taken.

Alik- Damn they are quick with pictures

[Classes change at 9:30am]

Scene 3: Room 302

[Scene starts at 10am, Alik enters room 302]

Mr. Skirtzman- Your John Slateman’s kid?

Alik- Yea hes my father.
Mr. Skirtzman- Cool, I went to school with your dad.
Alik- That is awesome Mr. Skirtzman.
Mr. Skirtzman- Yea he was a great quarterback.
Alik- "Yea he told me he set alot of records."
Mr. Skirtzman- Ok, students open your books to page 3.
Jimmy- Mr.S you didnt give them to us yet.
Mr. Skirtzman-Oh wait I didnt give them to you yet, let me do that now.
(On the board he wrote 1861?)
Mr. Skirtzman-What happened in this year? 
Alik-That was when the Civil War broke out.
Mr. Skirtzman-You are right Alik and what day was it when it started. 
(I sat there with a blank steer in to space like i forgot it.)
Mr. Skirtzman-Mr. Slateman, having a brainfart are we?
Alik- Yea Mr.S i kinda forget, can i have some help.
Gabriella- April 12th 1861, it started with the attack on Fort Sumter in South Carolina.
Mr. Skirtzman-Great Job Um Ms....
Gabriella- Donivela, Gabriella Donivela.
Mr. Skirtzman-So does anyone know what the Capitol of the Confederacy was?
Mr. Skirtzman-I know some of you know this, Ms. Donivela?
Gabriella- Umm lets see im going to say Richmond, Virginia.
Mr. Skirtzman-Right you are again, man you are good at this. 
Gabriella- Thank you, Mr.S im pretty good at history.
Alik- [Talking to John] Dude that girl is hot!!
John- Tell me about it, oh s**t I have to talk to Aly about possibly going out Friday..
Alik- How long have you guys been going out?
John- About 3 months now.
Alik- Nice man, dude she is hot..
John- You know it man.
Mr.s Skirtzman- Guys here is a paper I want signed.
John- So whats your sister up too.
Alik- Man i dont know, why?
John- My brother wants to ask her out.
Alik- What the hell?
John- Thats what I said. he has a crush on her.
Alik- Dude tell him I dont care, ask her if he wants too.
[Bell rings, scene ends with students leaving the room.]

Scene 4: Lunch
[Scene starts at a lunch table in the cafeteria. Alik and a few others are sitting down for lunch.]
Alik- Guys have you ever seen her?
James- NO, But she is one fine looking chick.
Gabby-Hi do you have a pen I can borrow.
Alik- sure, umm [looks in binder] here you go
Gabby- By the way name is Gabriella Donivela I moved here from New York.
Gabby- Are you ok. [Alik looks in to space]
Alik- Im fine, oh my name is Alik Slateman nice to meet you.
Gabby- Hey your in my Social Studies class.
Alik- Yea, do you what to sit with us?
Gabby- Sure, I have nobody to sit with so.
James- So Gabby, why did your family move to Tennessee?
Gabby- My dads job, hes an Army Major.
Alik- Thats cool.
Gabby- Yea he loves his job..
James- So do you have anyone else in your family?
Gabby- A sister, she is 25.. She is in college at Stanford.
John- [John comes to the table] Yo guys what are you doing on Friday night?
Alik- Nothing..
James- I'm not sure..
Alik- Why?
John- Aly wants to know if you guys want to come bowling with us.
Alik- Sure why not..
James- I could do that
Alik- Gabby do you want to come.
Gabby- Sure, I'm not doing anything.
James- Sounds like a deal, Ill text you with details later.
Gabby- I love bowling, man once i got two strikes in one game.
James- For real, I cant even get seventy points.
Alik- Yea James you sucked a*s that one time we went what did you get forty points.
James- Dude i heard someone was pregnant..
Alik- For real who?
James- I heard it was Jasmine
Alik- For real, wow..
Bobby- [Comes to table] You dudes you gonna eat those fries.
Alik- Na brah you can have them
Bobby- Thanks man.
Alik- No problem. So you guys hear about this Brown Bear attack
Gabby- No what happened
Alik- Two hikers were killed near route forty.
James- Dude for real thats weird, I was there yesterday with Mary.
Alik- They said they were drained of blood. Sounds like a vampire attack to me.
James- Dude you are f*****g funny.
Gabby- A vampire attack, huh weird.
Alik- I know there isnt such thing as a vampire.
Gabby- Yea I know thats funny. [She looks at a text]
The text reads [Did you miss me Gabriella?.... Jessica]
Gabby- Weird my sister text'd me.
Alik- I thought she was at Stanford
Gabby- She is I mean she was.
James- Weird.. Dude its the end of lunch ill talk to you guys later..
[bell rings its 12:45pm]
Alik- Gabby Ill see you at 5:30, me and James will pick you up.
Gabby- OK Alik, see you later.

Scene 5: Home
Alik- Mom, im going out tonight
Elena- With who?
Alik- This girl named Gabby, she is new and me and the guys are going bowling.
Elena- Nice to hear that, I dont want to be a grandma yet, so dont do anything dumb.
Alik- Ok mom.
Jenn- You have a girlfriend.
Alik- She isnt my girlfriend, she is just a friend.
Jenn- Well mom me and Joe are going out tonight
Elena- Who is Joe?
Jenn- Just a guy I know
Elena- Well, Jenn if you do anything stupid, your grounded.
Jenn- [yelling] Mom im 15 I am not going to do anything dumb.
Elena- you better not Jenn, I dont want my 15 year old pregnant.
Jenn- Mom, I wont get pregnant god.
Alik- Mom, I wont do anything dumb, ever.
John. S- Good evening family. [John enters the house at about 5pm]
Elena- How was work dear.
John. S- Ahh it was ok, cant really talk about it.
Elena- Talk to your daughter about tonight, she is going out with a guy.
John- Jenn if you do anything dumb, Im gonna kill both of you. Understand.
Jenn- God, why am I the only one getting treated like this.
Alik- Its because your 15.
Jenn- Right
[Car horn beeps outside.]
Alik- Ahh must be James, see you guys later
John- Where is he going?
Elena- Out with friends
John- Ok
Jenn- Im going to leave now.
[scene ends with Jenn walking out of the house]

Scene 6: Hi
[Alik knocks on the door of a huge house, The front door reads the Donella's]
Alik- Gabby we are here
Nick- [answer's the door] Hi there, may I help you
Alik- Is gabby home?
Nick- Yes she is let me get her.
[Nick goes to get Gabby]
Gabby- Hey there Alik, whats up?
Alik- You ready to go.
Gabby- Yea.
Alik- Damn you look good.
Gabby- Thank You
Alik- Well lets get going
James- Hey there gabby.
Gabby- Hey James. And this must be Mary.
Mary- Hi.
Gabby- Im Gabriella Donella.
Mary- You look fly today.
Gabby- So do you.
Mary- Thanks.

Scene 7: Dat Bowling Place
[Scene takes place 3 hours after school ends at 6pm. The crew are at a bowling alley called Dat Bowling Place.]
[We find out that John and Aly never made it there]
[They are driving to the Bowling Alley, its 5:45pm. They arrive at 5:47pm]
Alik- The good old alley.
James- This is gonna be hype.
Gabby- Eww... stinky shoes.
Mary- I know they are nasty.
James- Just wear them Mary.
Mary- Ok James.
Alik- gabby, who was that guy?
Gabby- He is my uncle.
Alik- Oh you never told me about him.
Gabby- You never asked. He is really cool.
Alik- So, why do you live with him.
Gabby- My dad is stationed at a base in Florida. And my mom died a few years ago.
Alik- Oh i see.
Alik- Dude where is John and Aly?
James- I have no clue. [He calls them]
Alik- Any answer?
James- Na man both just kept ringing.
Alik- Weird..
James- So you guys ready to lose.
Alik- Dude, you lost to a ten year old last time.
James- I was having a bad day.
Alik- Bad day my a*s. You just sucked. [laughing]
James- OK, Alik. But today i got my a-game.
[They start the game]
James- Here we go [James Rolls a strike] Dude look..
Alik-[looks] Dude bullshit, a strike for real.
James- Hell yea brah.
Mary- James, I love you.
James- Love you too babe
[Alik bowls]
Alik- Here we go. [bowls a 5, picks up 2 more on his second ball]
James- Dude you suck.
Alik- Bullshit, you go lucky your first time.
[Gabby rolls a strike, Mary rolls a 2]
Mary- Damn I suck at this.
James- Babe its alright.
Mary- I prefer ping-pong.
[James comes up for his second turn and rolls a 3, and picks up 2.]
Alik- Dude that sucked.
James- Dude shut the hell up, ok.
Alik- Dude Im just playing.
[Scene ends]
Scene 8: After Party
[Its 10pm Its 10pm, the crew are sitting down for some sodas]
James- Nothing like sipping some Mountain Dew with my babe and best friends.
Alik- Thanks brah.
James- I guess, John and Aly were never coming tonight.
Alik- I guess man, must be doing something else.
Gabby- Its been nice chilling with you guys tonight.
Mary- Gabby you are awesome.
Gabby- Thanks Mary, your cool too.
Alik- So James, you ready for the game Friday?
James- Dude we are gonna crush Johnstown High.
Alik- Dude I know man, I hate the Cowboys.
Mary- Gabby you should try out for the cheerleading squad.
Gabby- Sounds like fun, ill have to come and try out.
Mary- Im the captain and we need people like you.
Alik- Dude I gotta go home, Gabby want me to walk you home.
Gabby- Ok Alik, bye guys,
Alik- Peace Mary, James.

Scene 9: Home
[Alik comes home at 10:30]
Alik- Ma Im home.
Elena- Hey son, how was tonight?
Alik- It was great. Where is Jenn.
Elena- She is over her friends house.
Alik- Ok, any more new on the Bear attacks?
Elena- I dont know turn the TV on.
[Alik turns the TV on]
[Tv report. Welcome back to the 10 o'clock news, Im Rachel Picket. We have more info on the Bear attacks. Today local police found two teenagers, dead in their car. They died from an apparent bear attack. Police released the names, they are John Jameson and Aly St.Claire of Eastwood. Both were 17 years old. Police are saying that they will be calling in the Wildlife Police to help with finding the bear.]
Alik- Holy F**k, mom they are dead, No it cant be, they are my friends they were supposed to come tonight. Mom I cant believe they are dead.
Elena- Sweety, I know John and Aly were awesome kids.
Alik- I need to call James.
[Calls James.]
James- Hello
Alik- James did you see what happened. [mumbling his words.]
James- Dude slow down.
Alik- John and Aly are dead.
James- What?!?!??? 
Alik- Dude they died in a Bear attack.
[James drops the phone and starts to saub.]
Alik- James, James are you there.
Elena- What happened
Alik- James is in shock mom, Im in shock.
[Scene ends with Alik, sitting down and in shock.]

To be continued.........

© 2011 Klaus SheX

Author's Note

Klaus SheX
This Book is like a TV show or screenplay. Each Chapter is an episode.

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Added on December 21, 2010
Last Updated on May 18, 2011
Tags: Vampire


Klaus SheX
Klaus SheX

Coatesville, PA

I love sports and video games. I like to write stories and plays. I love history. I love the civil war, for some reason that war is just so unique. I write music with my friends for our group. I am ve.. more..
