

A Poem by Augustus

I am back!

It was a deep deep sleep, an interlude
The pregnant clouds of silence bearing down
Biding their time, as Banality stitched a tapestry of vapid days

Nourished only by the fragrance of a long-lost rose
Strengthening my tenuous hold on the memory of Grace
As I languished under the seductive guile of insipidity

No more! The phoenix has risen from the ashes!
Eons of drudgery drowned in a drop of nectar
Savoring the taste, craving the thirst, drenched in sunshine. 

The ink is flowing. The quill unshackled.

© 2016 Augustus

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I, too, was immersed in this deep sleep. All the while, I felt so guilty and unfulfilled, knowing that, what made me feel whole, was being shelved in mediocrity of the routine. Life has a way of dragging the spirit into corners undesired, and we have to fight out way back out onto the dance floor. A rumba, a samba, a pirouette or two, and we shimmy our way back into the light of our soul. The ink flows in our veins, and we desire to drown beneath its waves. Lovely!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Excellent. This really speaks to me as I am finally getting back to writing a little now as well. In sharing your truth I have found mine as well.

I love the imagery, the meter, the tone, everything really. Great job! I can always come to your page when I need to see how poetry should be done. Thank you!

As far as constructive criticism, the only thing that confused me a little was the capitalization of 'Banality' and 'Grace'. It just seemed weird they were the only things capitalized other than the starts of lines/sentences. Not a big deal though.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I, too, was immersed in this deep sleep. All the while, I felt so guilty and unfulfilled, knowing that, what made me feel whole, was being shelved in mediocrity of the routine. Life has a way of dragging the spirit into corners undesired, and we have to fight out way back out onto the dance floor. A rumba, a samba, a pirouette or two, and we shimmy our way back into the light of our soul. The ink flows in our veins, and we desire to drown beneath its waves. Lovely!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Your quill has delicious poetic flavor. Never quit seasoning the lines of your heart and offering up such bounty, dear poet :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you lynn!
I'm very happy to see you're back writing poems, Shreyas. But in light of your achievements, the words vapid days and banality seem baffling! It leads me to infer that your heart lies in poetry, in the cadences and rhythms of life. I am envious of your unshackled quill. Mine seems to have disintegrated!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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8 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Abdul! I guess I have always felt that poetry came naturally to me whereas my .. read more

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 21, 2016
Last Updated on March 21, 2016



Cambridge, MA

My name is Shreyas Gokhale. I have a PhD in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science and am currently a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. However, I guess.. more..

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A Poem by Augustus

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