CHapter Two: Drifter

CHapter Two: Drifter

A Chapter by ~Sorcha~

I wake up soaked and sweating. “God, this house is a f*****g furnace,” I grunt, trying to untangle the blankets from me. Someone, probably my mom, covered me up while I slept, and since I normally sleep half naked, that would probably explain why I feel like I've been taking a nap inside our oven. I sit up and regret it. The world is spinning, spots decorating my vision, and vomit proceeding to exit my mouth. Thankfully, I swallow the yuck back down enough to run out my front door. At least I have a knack for projectile vomiting, so I managed to keep it off me and off the porch.

I go back in the house and collapse on the couch. Closing my eyes tightly, I try to relax while the constant pain in my forehead pounds like a thousand hearts in a shoe-box. I get up while the world continues to twirl around me and I walk into the kitchen, going straight for the fridge and the juice. I, of course, open the juice and start chugging. Seems pointless to waste a perfectly clean cup when I can just finish the half container of juice on my own.

Sitting down on the couch, juice in hand, I close my eyes and lay back. My dream continues to haunt me, setting the world on quick spin. I wish my body would cool off, but it won't. Again, Karma, you hateful b***h. I swear, Karma's sense of humor includes me, tin foil, my oven, some stuffing, and a turkey baster. Good thing that Thanksgiving isn't for another six months, or I'd be the main course. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling, remembering the dream, thanking fate that it's only a dream.

Running, lots of running. As fast as possible, I keep running, praying they can't catch me. Black claws reach out, grabbing for me. One claws my shoulder, burning through my flesh as I scream in pain. I trip and fall, and they converge on me. Their claws ripping at my body, tearing me to shreds. All the while, I live, I feel; I can't die as I watch them destroy me. The shadows rip through my flesh, pulling me limb from limb. Clawing and biting, eating my organs, basking in my blood. My body lies maimed and marred; my flesh is scattered in the oncoming darkness of night. I cry into the ever-darkening sky, begging for an answer, a reason. My cries die, echoing into nothingness. A single crimson tear trails my ruined cheek as a black cloak covers my eyes and I fade.

I get up, finishing the last of the juice and setting the container on the dining table. Sweating more then I had been, I walk over to the lazy boy and plop down thanking that the chair is decently cool compared to the couch. I stare at the wall by my parents' bedroom door. Shadows play across the wall, shadows that shouldn't be there because the stereo is too short to create them.

Them. That's what is bothering me most. There are multiple shadows, dancing across the wall, taunting, teasing, terrifying. All I can do is sit and watch, because if I move I know they will follow. Wherever there is light, there is always a shadow. No matter where I walk, my shadow will follow me, and so will they. It's stupid to think, but it makes me feel like I'm trapped in a small cardboard box, waiting for the monsters under the bed to come for me; and I'm there in the box, sitting like a gift for them, presenting myself on a brown, awful tasting, cardboard platter. Yes I know what cardboard tastes like. I'm curious, I can't help it.

I rock gently back and forth in the chair, suddenly looking down as something brushes my leg. I stare at it. Nothing. A shadow from the chair, that's all it is. But it's tickling my leg, rubbing it, caressing it almost. For something I can swear wants to eat me, it sure is treating me well. I burst into laughter, not for any real reason, not because anything is funny, but I just start laughing. I keep laughing, I cry and squeeze my pained sides, but I can't stop laughing. I start breathing again after a few minutes, and look back around at the shadows. They are shadows again, nothing more. Huh. Weird.

I get up and walk to my room, slightly dazed. I find new clothes and get dressed. I decide to look at the clock finally. Oh. My. F*****g. God! It's officially noon-thirty-five! S**T! Even if I go to school now, I am so completely fucked it isn't even funny anymore! I run into the living room and look out the front door. Both my dad's truck and my mom's car are gone. Go f*****g figure, my 'rents left me home alone when I had school. I got late to school three days in a row, and now I've missed the fourth! S**t f*****g s**t from the f*****g shittiest depth of hell!

Running and freaking out is making me feel sick to my stomach. I throw open the door and slide to the end of the porch. Heaving, I decide that maybe breakfast isn't something I need and juice was a bad choice for starting my day. I get up, not even bothering to wipe my mouth, and collapse back into the lazy boy. I feel like s**t. I probably look like s**t. And my life is turning into s**t. Wow. Stalker dreams, stalker shadows, and stalker s****y-ness. Maybe I should invest in some restraining orders.

My bro walks down the hall, looks at me, then walks into the kitchen. “So why are you here?” He asks.

“Sick.” I croak.

“You're probably just skipping a test or something.” He replies.

“Check outside the front porch and tell me I'm skipping. A pool of vomit doesn't lie. Usually.” I say.

“You could've made yourself throw up so you could skip.” He says, turning on the microwave after putting in a couple burritos.

“Yeah, and I can also kick you in the balls, but I won't, just like I won't purposefully make myself sick,” I reply sarcastically.

“Whatever,” he says before plopping on the couch and turning on the T.V. Nothing good is on, just court shows and boring daytime dramas. He gets up and grabs a DVD, without telling me what it is, and puts it in the DVD player.

“Watcha putting on?” I ask.

“Just watch,” he answers, avoiding my question to piss me off.

“Tell me what it is,” I say.

“Suck a dick,” he replies.

“No thanks, just tell me what the movie is.” I say, starting to get pissy.

“Again, suck a dick.” He answers. I give up, and just watch the previews to the movie. After watching previews for Shower and Bicycle, I realize it's Drunken Master. Since I love Jackie Chan movies, especially this one, I start feeling slightly better. Nothing cures illness better then watching a comical Asian kick a bunch of people's asses with a jug of booze. Seriously, too damned funny.

The movie finishes and Pat goes back to his room; feeling better, I decide to attempt the stomaching of munchings and crunchings. I know I'm a freak geek, I like the Black Cauldron, so sue me; Gurgy rules in that movie and I will never fully read the book. I walk into the kitchen, and stare into the pantry. Lots of food, lots and lots, none of it is edible. Damned canned tomatoes and sardines and nasty s**t my parent's buy, but never use. I grab the box of saltines and pull out a package, then put the box back up on the top shelf. I start munching the saltines, enjoying the superbly salty yummy-ness of them.

I sit back in the lazy boy, my mind drifting around the past day's events. Dreams of running, dying, salvation, darkness, light, and just plain weirdness. Maybe I am losing my mind faster than I thought. I can easily admit I've always been fucked up in the brain, a few crossed wires, but never this screwy. Of course, it could just be that a light bulb has gone out in my brain and it doesn't understand how to deal with the lack of safe, light-bringing warmth. Laying in the comfort of the recliner, I pull the lever and bring my feet up off the ground.

“Oh cruel fate, which torment doth thou bring unto me next? Shall I suffer the black plague? Shall I be blind for thine joys? Shall I run into yonder darkness? What dost thou wish of me?!” I say, loudly, and ridiculously, closing my eyes and folding myself into the lazy boy more.

Silence. Nothing but silence reigns supreme in my house. I open my eyes to see that, oh s**t, my house is gone. I'm now lying on a log drifting down a smooth river. Well, I guess I have my answer to what fate is giving now. Maybe this is punishment for questioning fate.

The river is crystal clear, and only a few feet deep, but the current is quick paced and flows steadily. I let my hand lie gently on top of the water. It's cold, icy cold. The air is clean, a light wind carrying the scent of pine and cedar and oak trees dances around me. I look at the log I'm now sitting on and recognize it immediately as pine. I can't understand why the log hasn't yet flipped, but hey, maybe I'm finally having a nice, happy dream this time. I look up into the cloudless, blue sky and smile.

Suddenly, maybe an apparition, or hell if I know what, could even be a wind spirit, appears above me. I can almost barely see it, it's transparent, but so delicate. Wait, it's not an it. I mean, it's a girl, I think. The apparition or whatever is delicate and wispy, and looks so completely feminine. I stare at her, and she smiles back at me. Floating down, just above me, she touches my forehead, and I feel a tingly warmth where her finger rests. Laughing in a beautiful, wind-chime voice, she floats away from me, dancing in the breeze. I lay, stunned or shocked maybe, unable to really think, aside from thinking “what the f**k?”

I close my eyes for a whole second, then open them to find myself laying in a meadow now. The breeze is gone, the sky is still cloudless and blue, still the same sky, but the river is gone. The tall grasses and flowers of the meadow I can't recognize, not by scent or touch. But I know them. I remember them from somewhere, some time. I breathe deep again and enjoy the scents of nature. The grasses and flowers tickle all along my face and body. I look down and notice I'm naked, but it somehow feels right. I love this feeling, my body and the earth so close together.

The grass to my right parts and I turn my head, staring straight into deep, forest green eyes. A small nymph is sitting in the grass next to me, smiling the same kind of warm smile from the wind. Her skin is a light maple brown, her hair is the green of ferns. But her eyes are filled with such warmth, and such sorrow, that I feel like I need to protect her from all the bad things in the world. Like the wind, she touches my forehead gently, letting a single finger rest for a moment. I smile at the warmth and welcome it this time. She laughs with a sound of rustling leaves, yet it sounds so beautiful and right. I close my eyes and just bask in the warmth.

Opening my eyes, I'm surrounded by candles and torches. I'm sitting against a large granite rock in the darkness of night. I look up into the star-filled sky, warm and filled with a peaceful serenity. The candles and torches hold back the darkness, keeping the shadows at bay. Twirling from the nearest candle, a small girl, about three inches or so and made of flames, dances around my feet. I look at myself, and I'm now clothed in a white, silk gown. The sleeves are long, but open, letting the light and the warmth soak into my skin. The little dancing flame girl smiles at me, twisting and twirling, floating up my legs, my body, up to my face. She sits on my nose, and I just close my eyes, laughing lightly as the flames tickle, but don't burn my skin. I feel her reach out her whole hand, and touch my forehead, just like the others. Warmth spreads from her touch, down along my body, filling me with joy. Her touch fades, and laughter fills the air, laughter like wood crackling in dying embers.

I just lay and relax, not wanting to open my eyes, not wanting to wake up. The scent of an ocean and of sand reaches me and I open my eyes just a bit. I open my eyes wider and sit up looking around at the beach I am now laying on. The sand is cool and smooth under my bare skin. I dig my fingers into it, feeling so at home and filled with such joy that I laugh out loud. The sky is back to being light and cloudless blue. I'm surrounded by only sand and ocean, but I don't care. The salt water is lapping at my feet, soothing the aches and pains from the rest of my body. A large wave covers up to my waist in water and foam. Suddenly in the foam to my left is a small child. Her skin is tinged green-ish blue-ish, and her hair is dark blue. She looks up into my smiling face and the innocence reflected in her crystal blue eyes makes me feel motherly so completely. It's like looking into the face of an angel, I swear it is.

She laughs a gentle sound, the sound of rolling waves and babbling brooks. She lifts her hand to me, and I bring my face down enough for her to reach my forehead. She tilts her head to the side, smiling wider and laughing again, and I laugh with her. Her finger touches me and rests as all the others, sending a chill through my body, chasing away the heat, and filling me with a soothing cold. I stare into her eyes and she smiles. She uses both her hands, gently pushing my eyelids down, making me close my eyes. Laughing once more, she disappears and I lay back with my eyes closed.

The microwave beeps and I wake up. Pat is making more burritos, go figure, and I'm half falling off the chair. I look around my living room, feeling much better and a hell of a lot less ill. I look at the clock on the DVD player and less than five minutes has passed since I closed my eyes. Again I shall say this: weird.

I guess fate isn't punishing me, which is always nice. After a few minutes I get up and slip on my sandals. I walk outside into the brightness of the sun and just stand in my driveway for a few moments, letting my eyes adjust to the light. I soak up the sunlight, feeling the warmth spread throughout my body. I open my eyes and stare into the vast blue sky, wishing I could fly. “If only... if only I had wings, if only I could fly,” I whisper. “I wish I could escape. Just disappear from this place, this world. Somewhere full of adventure, where I could get away from my parents and their fighting, get away from school and the a******s there, just get away from everything.” I twirl my walking stick around my fingers and wrist, throwing it up in the air and catching it.

I walk up into the sand-covered draining field of a side yard. Tripping and scratching myself in the ground thorn vines, I make my way into the trees and underbrush that separates my yard from my neighbor's property. Settling down on a little dead stump, I relax and just listen to the light wind in the leaves and pine needles. “I thank you wind for cooling the heat and bringing calm and serenity. I thank you fire for bringing passion and warmth. I thank you water for cleansing the world of impurities and taint. I thank you earth for the strength and life you bring.” A light wind blows my hair into my face, the sunlight through the leaves and needles paints my skin with warmth, droplets of water fall from the leaves high above caused by yesterdays rain tracing my cheeks, and the soft smell of grass and life floats around me. I open my eyes when I realize they have been closed for the past few moments.

Standing, I brush off my wet, dead-wood covered butt, and walk back out into the sunshine. An ugly silver Aveo pulls into the yard. My sister and her best friend get out and I walk down to meet them. Truthfully, her friend Chris Merrill scares the crap out of me, and not because he is absolutely f*g-tastic, more because his face is always grim, and I swear to god above that he thinks he is a reincarnation of his God or Goddess. “Hey Crys, and, uh, Chris. Wuzzzzz up?” I say nonchalantly, accentuating the wuz for affect. I don't like saying what, for some reason people always say chicken butt, and that is childish and annoying as hell. Only I am allowed to be annoyingly random. Plain and simple.

“Merry meet. And nothing, just out and about.” My sis replies. She recently switched religions from pure bred oh-my-holy-goodness Christian to I-love-the-earth-and-my-goddess-and-god Wiccan. So she is constantly greeting me with 'merry meet' and saying goodbye with 'blessed be' and things. I got used to it fast, so I ignore it now. “What's up with you? I saw you asleep on the couch this morning, you were shivering like hell so I covered you up. You still look pretty pale.” She says, getting that weird motherly look on her face that I hate oh so much.

“Feeling like s**t, but better now. I think my dreams are getting to me is all. Weird freaky dreams.” I reply, sighing for effect.

“What are the dreams about?” Chris says, perking right up like a puppy with a new chew toy.

“Oh you know, dark dirty deer paths in the woods that are lined by shadows trying to rip my face off, blood soaked ruins with sharp claws reaching for me, darkness and falling. Elemental incarnates laughing and making me feel less sick. The norm.” I say, watching his face light up like a Christmas tree. I know how much he just loves to try to interpret me, like I'm some kind of freak science experiment gone horridly wrong.

“Wow, sounds like you have some bad Karma following you. Why don't we go somewhere and you can tell us all about your dreams. Then maybe we can have a purification ritual to cleanse the darkness clouding around you.” He says, instantly jumping at the candy tied to a rope in front of him. I don't like sharing my fears or anything with him, but I really want to go for a drive and get something decent to drink, so I have to say enough of my dreams to interest him and my sis so we can leave.

Driving down the road, relaxing in the cool back seat of my sister's ugly Aveo, I look into the clear blue sky. I start drifting to sleep, even though I get car sick, but I just feel so relaxed and floaty now. “So you said shadows and trying to kill you and stuff, was that what you were dreaming all of last night?” Crystal asks, jerking me from my half sleep.

“Mostly running from the legions of doom that were chasing me down. I felt like a gazelle in a den of lions. Female lions. With many hungry cubs that had a penchant for eating girl faces. It sucked a lot and I was terrified s**t-less. Being surrounded by dark shadowy monster thingies that are trying to kill me is not my idea of a pleasant dream. Somewhere in the confusion I tripped and fell, and they swarmed around me, clawing and biting and killing me, but I was alive the whole time, watching it and feeling it and it was just horrible. Watching myself be dismembered is really not a good way to die.” I say, hoping the fear I feel isn't showing in my voice or face. “Oh the dream ended with me being clouded in darkness and I just fade into nothingness. I woke up feeling like a Thanksgiving turkey baking in the oven. And the world was spinning like all hell had broke loose, and so I threw up outside by the porch. Which reminds me, we need more juice, and juice burns like a b***h coming up.” I finish, kind of laughing on the inside as I see their faces in the rear view mirror while I talk about vomiting.

“So darkness and shadows are trying to kill you. Hmm,” Chris says, going off into his own little world. “Oh yeah, you said elemental incarnates made you feel better, what did you mean by that?” He asked.

“How about I explain everything from the beginning at the water front instead of giving you random clippings?” I reply, getting huffy because I start feeling dizzy from the car. Cars and boats and theme park rides, oh the joys of motion sickness and their ability at making me either: A. projectile vomit, or B. collapse in a heap of pain from a headache.

“Well, that might be best, I guess.” My sister says. I listen to the music on the radio, singing along under my breath to Tainted Love by Soft Cell. I start feeling better when I roll down my window and let the wind tangle my already bed-headed hair. The sun is bright, and the sky is blue. I still hate the sun because it is trying to kill me, second degree sun burns hurt like hell and feel like death after all, but right now the warmth of the light and coolness of the wind is making me feel better.

My sis parks in front of Seabeck Pizza, literally the best pizza place in the universe, and we all get out of the car. Walking into the Seabeck store I grab a one-liter of Sprite, Crys grabs a SoBe Dragon, and Chris, still resembling a rich five year old in a toy and candy shop, grabs a SoBe Tsunami. Crys pays for it and we all go sit at the old, wooden picnic table by Turie's Seabeck Espresso. Listening to the waves, and closing my eyes as the sea breeze licks my face, I take a deep breath and sip some of my Sprite.

“Well? Are you gonna spill the beans on the dreams or not?” My sis says.

“Ok, well it all began a few days ago. I had a dream that I was floating flying over a sea, looking into the distance at a weird orange-ish dot thing. As I got closer, rather quickly, I saw that it wasn't a dot or anything like that, it was a fire. Well, actually it was a flower that looked a lot like a lotus, but it was made of fire and floating on the water. Then I was falling in a black darkness place. It was weird and creepy as hell. I saw a light, and so I ran to it. Huh, probably should have thought before doing that though, since going down the dark tunnel into the light is usually something to avoid since it mostly means death. Anyways, the light was actually a window and so I jumped through it. And then I was in air, just floating there, surrounded by seven orbs, each one a different color, and there was a really pretty girl in each one. Well, I think in each one, I couldn't see in the black orb, too black you know? But anyways, the girl in the silver orb came out and spoke to me, asking who I was and if I would save them. She was naked, her eyes were the pretty silver of the orb, like moonlight almost, and her hair was a beautiful blonde color like sunlight, actually I think it would put sunlight to shame. And her hair fell to her ankles, covering her naked body. She stated I would save them after I answered her question about who I was and what my name was and stuff. She told me to come fast or something, and to come save them all. Then they all faded away into darkness, and I was falling again. Then I heard my alarm clock beeping like crazy and I woke up. That was the first dream I had.” I finish, taking another swig of my Sprite.

“Well the fire could represent your element, since you are an Aries. And the lotus is meant for protection. So it could be possible that the strength you gain from your element fire combined with the protection of lotus to help fight against the darkness you will encounter soon.” Chris says. My sister looks at him with a semi-awed appreciative look. If he wasn't gay, I would swear she had a crush on him. Of course, she might anyways. But it's probably that he's her mentor and so all-knowing about this. Admittedly though, I do like his idea for the fire lotus.

“Why was it floating on water, though?” I ask.

“Water represents your subconscious mind, and your intuition. So your dream is trying to tell you of the danger that lies ahead and wants to give you strength and protection.” He replies simply. I think, although creepy, he is pretty smart.

“The orbs with the girls might be her inner beauty, embodiments of her subconscious and emotions.” My sister chimes in.

“Probably,” Chris says. And he now loses five points. Although everything else sounded great and right to me, that is just completely wrong.

“I don't think that's it, it doesn't sound right to me.” I say.

“It's alright, you don't understand these things yet. You are still young and naïve, so don't worry about being wrong about this.” Chris says, trying to appear mature and wise, but sounding completely egotistical instead. Creepy and a know-it-all jerk. Why does my sister look up to him?

“Well, why were the orbs all different colors?” I ask, skipping over the obvious insult.

“What were the colors, you only told us black and silver.” My sister says.

“Black and silver, as I said, and there was also blue, red, yellow, green, and purple.” I finish, remembering how beautiful the floating orbs were.

“Well, black can be many things, like fear or seriousness. It can also be mystery. And since you said that you couldn't see the girl in the black orb, I think in this case it represents mystery. Silver doesn't really have a meaning, but grey does. Grey represents balance, or neutrality, and it can represent modesty. So the girl in the silver orb was probably the balance between all the others, the neutral party if you will. Blue can represent love, but I think in this dream, it represents its other meaning of patience. Red probably is strength, which by how this dream sounds, you will need a lot of soon to come. Yellow represents joy, creativity, and intellect, something all peoples need. Green is probably meant to be stability and vitality, or life. And lastly purple, well purple is enlightenment. Your ominous dream holds both ill and good omens, as far as I can tell. You will need patience, strength, your intellect, your youth and vitality, and your intuitive feelings that lead to the enlightenment for whatever is to come against you. It will probably be hard for you, but remember you will have us to help you as much as possible. We can cast cleansing and purification circles for you, and I think I even have some bloodstone I can lend you to calm your fears and help to overcome future obstacles. I can probably also lend you some garnet to get rid of the negativity and build a strong defensive aura, some malachite to give you peaceful sleep, and even some smoky quartz to trap the negativity with.” Chris says, giving me that all-knowing look again that I oh so hate.

“I have plenty of smoky quartz, and some bloodstone, and if I look around my drawers I probably have some garnets and malachite, though I may need malachite still, because they are expensive and beautiful and I may or may not have any.” I answer. I love rocks and collecting them, and all my dresser drawers are filled with rocks instead of clothing; yay rocks!

“Good, carry some around with you at all times. It will help you a lot. Anyways, I need to get home soon so I can prepare for tonight's circle casting at the camp ground. So I think it's high time we get going.” He says. I guess they both forgot I still had more dreams to talk about, go figure.

We all get back into Crystal's car and start heading towards Stavis Bay road to drop Chris off. He gets out, waves goodbye, and I climb into the front seat. Oh the joys of having control of the radio! We sit in silence, and I spend the lovely silence thinking about his interpretation of my first dream. I like the idea of the fire lotus being protection and strength, but they didn't talk about why I fell into darkness right after that. I can't help but think he skipped over the meaning of that part because he has no clue. I look out my window and stare into the passing trees. Sunlight and the speed of the car makes the shadows dance, but it still gives me the creeps.

“Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk about the other dreams. But that first one was a lot to talk about and think about. We were out there for a good half hour, you know.” Crys says, gesturing to the clock on the dash. I look at it and actually am stunned to see that we had been gone for nearly an hour now. Wow.

“It's alright, as you said, it is a lot to talk and think about. Even for a short dream, it's a lot to take in all at once.” I reply, hopefully nonchalantly.

“Sorry about his comment calling you naïve and misunderstanding about the dreams meaning, too. All input should be considered rather than cast away to youth.” She continues.

“He was out of line with that, I think. Truth is truth, whether told by a five year old or a fifty year old. And both sides of the moon don't reveal the same craters. He should have at least heard out my opinion on the matter, it is my so called intuitive dream after all.” I huff.

“He just knows what he is talking about for the most part,” she says, immediately defending her precious mentor.

“Yeah, for the most part, but that doesn't mean he can't be wrong. I felt like that was wrong, a good idea, and probably right in any other case. But right now, at this moment, it doesn't feel like it's the correct meaning. I think the girls in the orbs were other people's embodiments that I need to help. That bad things are going to happen to my friends or something and I need to stop it.” I say, starting to feel slightly confident in my meaning for it.

“That is a good idea, but no other people were mentioned in your dream, and the girl asked about you and only you, right?” My sis asks.

“Yeah, she asked who I was and I replied with...oh I forgot to mention my answers.” I say, finally realizing something important I left out.

“You probably just said you are Sara, right?” My sis asks.

“Well, actually, no. She asked who I was and my name. Two different questions, with two different answers. When she asked who I was, I said I was the uhh, well it's stupid.” I say, quietly, and slightly mumbled.

“Go on,” she urges me.

“I said I was the daughter of Moon and Sun,” I mumble.

“Hmm, that could mean that your subconscious sees you as being Wiccan at heart, and you are the daughter of our Goddess and God.” She says thoughtfully.

“And I didn't answer my name as Sara either, it wasn't right. I answered with a really weird name, that doesn't exist in a real language.” I continue, ignoring her comment about me being Wiccan. Hello, I am a Christian. Well, mostly.

“And?” She asks.

“Well, it's kind of ridiculous. I said my name is Kiriai'ana Al'Arathiya.” I say, slowly, and accentuating the syllables.

“That might be your real name, your spiritual name. Which goes even more for those orb girls being your different embodiments.” She says, stating my idea for the meaning is basically wrong and hers and Chris's is right.

“Maybe,” I say doubtfully. We pull up into the driveway and I walk into the house trudging silently to my room. Collapsing on my bed, I close my eyes and send a silent prayer into the sky that all these bad dreams and so called ill omens will just disappear. But I know my luck, and my luck is non-existent. “I guess I'm screwed.” I say to no one in particular.

Oh the joy that is my life.

© 2009 ~Sorcha~

Author's Note

Again sorry for spacing!

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Added on July 5, 2009



Kaiserslautern, Germany (deployment), WA

I like to write; these past few years I have just hit writer's block after block. There are so many things in my life I could write about, but I can still never seem to find the words for any of it. .. more..

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