

A Story by Sophie

I lean against the counter, biting off the cream from the double stuff Oreo, staring into nothing. I had a weird day, one of those days where you temporarily turn into a philosopher and contemplate the mysteries of the universe, one of those days. Those days tend to make me temporarily depressed, because I think of all the things wrong with the universe. God, I absolutely hate being wrong, its one of my fatal flaws as a human. Honestly, it actually doesn't bother me as much when I'm wrong, which then makes me a hypocrite.


And so the major problem with hating incorrect-ness, is anyone who thinks differently than me is immediately labeled with a big, red, WRONG in my brain.

I practically bang my head against the fridge as I think about the newest person in that collection.

My boyfriend.


Because he goes to church.


I stuff another Oreo into my mouth. But when he told me that it just got me going on a brain rampage consisting of many voices, all me, but all thinking at the same time. One screaming over and over WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! Another thinking, oh god, what if we get married, and have kids, and he wants our kids to got to church and then they'll be wrong! Another going SHUT UP! And yet another going, just because he goes to church doesn't mean he's wrong, you idiot, stop being such and awful person.

This happens much too often.

And I snapped at him, I said- well, honestly? My brain was talking too much and I don't know what could have possibly come from my hypocritical mouth. All I know is that he kind of recoiled, the people that could hear me stared, and he just walked away, leaving my brain yapping with brand new voices of confusion and terror.

The phone rings as I nervously stuff the fourth Oreo into my pie-hole. I answer it.

“Hewwo?” I say, muffled by the cookie in my mouth.

“Hi, Sadie, it's Brian.” He sounds... I don't know how he sounds, I'm not good at detecting emotion.

“Oh. Hi Brian.” I say, my voice getting small. He's going to break up with me, I know it, because of my stupid brain. “I know you're going to break up with me, I just want you to know, I'm really sorry for what I said, like, so sorry. It was offensive, and awful, and-” I still don't know what I said, I'm just assuming it was offensive.

“It's okay, all you said was that you don't believe in God, it's not a huge deal. I was just a little confused, you know? I've never met someone so honest.” He laughs.

My brain goes into rant mode, “Sometimes I don't know what to believe, and honestly, I don't think I actually believe in anything. It would be nice to maybe have a religion, to believe something like that, to have a cushion for the painful truth that is death. But to my mind, to how I was raised, believing in a god is about as easy as believing in a purple unicorn with three horns that floats around and makes bad people turn into broccoli. Which, by the way, would be freaking awesome. But I want, so, so desperately, to believe in something for once, to not just be alone in this universe, this cold, endless, lonely starlit universe.” I finally shut up.

“That's okay, really. But I have something for you to believe in.”

I let out a puff of breath, “What?”

“Believe that I love you, your quirks and all.”

© 2012 Sophie

Author's Note

Today I'm working on faults in characters, and to make it easier, I chose one of my own. This girl is basically me, but with a boyfriend.
So no offense to anyone in this, she's basically a character, cuz technically, we're all characters, aren't we? In the purple unicorn's manuscript, lol.
All my characters are perfect, or really close to it, all their faults are either insignificant or repairable. Like Airborne and her issues with love. Or Ray and her guilt, you know? So I'm working on it :P
reviews please!
(this was originally a rant, and then I added a plot lol)

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Featured Review

How cute, I love it so much! I especially love it at this exact moment, because believe it or not I'm having one of those 'philosoper moments' right now, or about five minutes ago. I was almost at the point of tears pondering why the world is the way it is, and what I should truly believe in. I can truly relate with this piece, one hundered percent!
I also just texted my boyfriend, literally, and he said almost the exact same thing. It's so ironic how I read this right after basically the exact same thing happened to me! How weird, yet super cool!
I loved it! Just like all of your writing! Wonderful work! Wait, I say that too much. Lets change it up...
Supercalifragilisticexpialidociously amazing work! Lol that's more like! I loved it! ;D

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

that's so cool :D


This reminds me of me and how I act sometimes. Thanks for sharing it in my contest!

Posted 11 Years Ago

I didnt see anything wrong with this. I liked this chapter a lot :) I agree with Taylor Ann again. She makes good points and I can relate to what she says :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brian is defiantly perfect

Posted 11 Years Ago

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11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

message me?
Awwww . . . All mushy gushy!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

How cute, I love it so much! I especially love it at this exact moment, because believe it or not I'm having one of those 'philosoper moments' right now, or about five minutes ago. I was almost at the point of tears pondering why the world is the way it is, and what I should truly believe in. I can truly relate with this piece, one hundered percent!
I also just texted my boyfriend, literally, and he said almost the exact same thing. It's so ironic how I read this right after basically the exact same thing happened to me! How weird, yet super cool!
I loved it! Just like all of your writing! Wonderful work! Wait, I say that too much. Lets change it up...
Supercalifragilisticexpialidociously amazing work! Lol that's more like! I loved it! ;D

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

that's so cool :D
I understand what you're trying to do, and I like it. I thought you did a nice job with the flaw itself. It's a common flaw and it's an understandable thing to read and relate about.
However, (and I never offer critiques because I honestly believe I don't know enough about writing to advise those who are superior to me) I think it is also very nice to present characters with flaws...that are never mentioned. So have a character with a flaw and only indicate it. So it's never written in black and white.
So, for example, I have already presented a flaw within myself here, but didn't write it straight out. My flaw was what I had written in parenthesis above^. It can be safely assumed that I believe my talents aren't good enough for myself, which is--in most people's minds--a flaw.
That's just my thoughts Sophie. Overall, I thought you did great on the story and dialogue as usual and the ending was excellent

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Good suggestion, I'll try that :)
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I didn't find any mistakes and I have to say you're great at writing stories. I would love to read more! 100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ugh please dont make Air's relationship problems unrepairable.
Sidenote: Brian and Sadie should get together
Another sidenote: make sure your boyfriend's able to withstand the wrath of OWSRALL

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I've always thought that :) they would be rly cute

11 Years Ago

Their name can be Bradie :P

11 Years Ago

lol :)

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8 Reviews
Added on August 31, 2012
Last Updated on August 31, 2012



-, MA

I'm 16 in my sophomore year of high school, I started on this site when i was 14, took about a year break and now i might be back, im just fixing my description because i was annoying as f**k last yea.. more..

untitled untitled

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