When We Met

When We Met

A Poem by KAREN

Meeting someone for the first time!


When we first met your eyes were

alluring me, calling me.

I walk slowly toward you,

almost  gliding, afraid of rejection.


Something about  you seems charming.

Was it your looks?

The way you look at me?

Your smile?


I knew something magical was about to happen.

We couldn't help ourselves,

you envelop me with a hug.

Your kisses are so sweet.

I knew we would be companionable.


You have an enormous disposition......

always loyal,

always sociable,

always neighborly.

Sometimes I have to wonder how I got so lucky.


When we go for walks,

you lurk behind trees,

teasing me, wanting me to run after you.

We have so much empathy for one another.


You worship the ground I walk on.

I'll cherish what we have forever,

We'll always be together,

and be partners till the end


Your hair shines with sheen.

Your brown eyes smile at me.

Your wet nose is so cute.

I'm glad we became acquainted.

You're my big  loveable dog,

my best friend.


© 2011 KAREN

Author's Note

Something alittle different. Hope you like it and hope it is error free!

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Aw! Adorable!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Laughing..me...ever the romantic...I have 4 dogs and love each one like they arre human..they live outside in a big fenced in area on or acreage...Kathie

Posted 13 Years Ago

sigh....i miss that

Posted 13 Years Ago

The pets in a life are much easier to make happy. Always willing to give you attention. I like the set-up the poem. A nice ending to a very good poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Amazing From Feelings Within Oneself. True As Is.

I Like The Flow Of This One. Very Intense.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I knew this was too good to be about a human, LOL very well done I didn't know until the end. Maybe I should get a dog! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Well done my friend! I loved the imagery.. Yes different than your norm, but oh so good!

Mags xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

you had me there for a minute...loved loved the ending...this was well done...good work...

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is so cute and sweet. i love it great job :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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32 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 7, 2011
Last Updated on January 7, 2011
Tags: eyes, kisses, love, friends



Harrisville, MS

I love to write and cook! Me and my sister will soon be the author of a children's book titled Feelings Feelings Feelings, and a cookbook in the near future titled Two Heads In The Kitchen. I e.. more..


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