Tags : grey



A Poem by Chasity Reynolds

Red is like the color of my cheeks when you are near,Green is like the color of your eyes that I hold dear,Yellow is like the color of your personalit..


A Story by Izzy

This was inspired by/written for a dA group's monthly prompt. It has a decidedly non-Hollywood feel.
Why Must You See Grey?

Why Must You See Grey?

A Poem by Luna Ashgrave

Why all this greyness in life?
Grey Sky

Grey Sky

A Poem by ThisBadBloodHere

The grey sky bent at the edges before it broke and fell into thousands of pieces like shattered glass.Like my once were dreams.Sofragile. So tender.
The Bordeaux Grey

The Bordeaux Grey

A Poem by Little Birdie

I could be three times the charm.


A Poem by Emily

I know I said no more poems for a while but this one came to me and I can't just leave it in my notebook.
A Dream of a Nightmare

A Dream of a Nightmare

A Poem by Nightmare Catcher

I wish upon a star, a dream I dream with fear.
Little Shadow

Little Shadow

A Poem by Leigh

"Every frightened little shadow dreams of being a golden strand of light"
This is no Happy Ballad.

This is no Happy Ballad.

A Poem by Joshua Kyle

Writers block
The Black Eyes

The Black Eyes

A Story by Andrew Roberts

A suicidal man plays a game of chess with his dead uncle.
End Game

End Game

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I swore I’d be always single, that I’d ever be fancy free, My friends went off to be married, but I knew that wasn’t fo..
Apologies to Monday

Apologies to Monday

A Poem by Rita L. Sev

I think I upset her...