Tags : powers

Chapter 8: Weïnyu

Chapter 8: Weïnyu

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Graek nicslomen noff honyo frint...” “Eless! Nifonso abaontiss verho gerak...” The slurred, gargling voices continued ..
Chapter 9: Brush With Evil

Chapter 9: Brush With Evil

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Realms, stop bein’ a stalker. Weïnyu ain’t eye candy for the likes of ye,” Ewa snickered. Realms blushed intensely a..
Chapter 10: Blessing

Chapter 10: Blessing

A Chapter by Anonymous

She’s gonna fight that thing? Ewa thought, he eyes widening. She’ll get killed! Wait... No. She’s a Bender. I know she’s got ..
Chapter 11: Escape

Chapter 11: Escape

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Ewa,” whispered Weïnyu, holding her right arm in the sling, “follow me.” “Aye aye,” replied Ewa with a g..
Chapter 12: Blindness

Chapter 12: Blindness

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Ewa, wake up, quick!” Realms cried. Ewa was shaken awake by the white-haired boy and slowly rose, holding her head and groaning. &l..
Chapter 13: Focus

Chapter 13: Focus

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Here you go,” the hooded girl said as she poured Ewa and Realms some tea from an oddly-shaped teapot. Beside the teacups were various ..
Chapter 14: Change

Chapter 14: Change

A Chapter by Anonymous

~Six Days Later~ We’ve been staying at Demii’s house for about seven days. Weïnyu is recovering nicely; her skin is actually tur..
The Angel Brigade

The Angel Brigade

A Book by RubberDucky

Charlie and her friends are sent out of their country to fight off bad guys because there is no one else who can (or wants to). Charlie and her friend..
The Secret of the Snow Angel

The Secret of the Snow Angel

A Book by KristenMaye

They were going to change warfare forever, our perfect instuments of destruction. But the experiment was a failure. If only we could have known what o..
Adán Marrón

Adán Marrón

A Book by 0tulissa

I'm still open for changing the name of the whole novel, so drop your ideas please.


A Book by Sigyn

Remember Unite Never Give Up
William Never Ment for This

William Never Ment for This

A Chapter by Sigyn

William McCartney is trying to save the world. Instead, he makes the bigger mistake of his life.
Chapter 10- Since We're One Piece Fans, We Named The Club After Whitebeard

Chapter 10- Since We're One Piece Fans, We Named T..

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

A whole new scene with new characters! Enjoy!
Chapter 15- Punch First, Ask Questions Later

Chapter 15- Punch First, Ask Questions Later

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

Writers Secret: I'm A Big Fan Of Futurama, So Bender Was My Inspiration When I Came Up With Jax Character
Chapter 8- Jax Is Sort Of Like A Bull In A China Shop

Chapter 8- Jax Is Sort Of Like A Bull In A China S..

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

The scene changes over to Jax and he is surrounded by four members of Skymon’s Gang. Jax makes the first move. He jumps high in the air and w..
Chapter 6- A Few Chapters In And We're Just Showing The Main Character?

Chapter 6- A Few Chapters In And We're Just Showin..

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

Myles Originally Had A Different Name Then This...But In The End We Thought Myles Fit Best
Chapter 18- That Sounds Like A Cheap Ability

Chapter 18- That Sounds Like A Cheap Ability

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

The scene is back to the Dodge and Jax fight and it starts off showing Dodge. Dodge is laughing and spits out some blood from his mouth D..