As I beg you to speak

As I beg you to speak

A Poem by Ashe Conten

I think I know why 
you wish now to die
but give me a key
to your mind
please, friend, speak

silence only helped the deceased
but that's not what you'll be
so give me your words
set yourself free
please, friend, speak

oh, don't close your eye
you don't need a disguise 
you still sit silently
please, friend, speak

we are running out of time
but I still cannot read your mind
the sun starts to set 
why are you upset
I can't get to your thoughts
the entrance is blocked
please let me in
please don't pretend
this isn't the end
we will see the sun rise
it will all soon be fine
and we won't
but now I am pleading
to stop all your bleeding
before you stop breathing



© 2017 Ashe Conten

Author's Note

Ashe Conten
stay alive frens

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The ugly truth of reality conveyed in such a beautiful format. I find myself drawn to this poem. Thanks for sharing it with us :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

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Unfortionately I know exactly what this says, it seems to be almost like a different veiw, a point of veiw from a friend of someone who is depressed.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Veritas. This sound real. I've been in enough support groups to recognise the frustrated futility of this kind of silence. Solid topic.

Posted 7 Years Ago

A bit dramatic but yet it hits on a subject that is dear to my heart. I have a friend who I begged to share with me any problems he was having years ago because I could tell not all was well in his life. To make a long story short, he kept saying every thing was fine but it wasn't. So one day he lashed out and ended up doing something that sent him to prison for 2 years and he's still paying for it because he thought asking for help from his best friend was a weakness. Thanks for sharing this.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Ashe Conten

7 Years Ago

I'm glad you connected with my writing, and I wish the best for you and your friend
Deep, wish I was bold enough to tell that to a friend, or bold enough speak up to a friend.

Posted 7 Years Ago

I am truly speechless. This made me feel like... you were talking to me, saying all these things to my face. So beautiful.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Ashe Conten

7 Years Ago

I'm so glad you liked it and I'm glad you connected personally. The fact that my writing gives you a.. read more heart

Posted 7 Years Ago

Pretty good only thing I'd ask you to alter would be the part where you said "block" cuz I believe you meant "blocked"*

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashe Conten

7 Years Ago

Thank you, that is exactly what I meant, just a typo

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8 Reviews
Added on March 6, 2017
Last Updated on March 9, 2017


Ashe Conten
Ashe Conten

Atlanta, GA

HI SAM Surprise XD more..

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