Episode Two: The Hampton's

Episode Two: The Hampton's

A Screenplay by Aly

The Dilemma:Season 1, E-2 If you've read "The Pizza Dilemma (1 & 2) this is another "espidoe" about my characters. Setting in New York City. The show is called "The Dilemma"

Previously on Last Week's espidoe
"guys guys! I got a job at the plaza!" says Jess waving paper
"The Plaza? Ain't that the pizza parlor?" said Kiera (in thick New York accent)
"Oh no! Hide me!" says Amanda
"My ex is here!" 
"So that's it then?"
Dylan shrugged "Everything happens for a reason,"
"Mandy I'm sorry,"
"Save it Dylan,"
"Jake hi?"
"Hi can I come in?"
"You know...Dylan. Dylan's missing out."
He smiled "Really"
"What should I do?"
"Look think it over. If you really want to do something about it. Do something, But I'd suggest to just go with the flow for right now."
"Ya know I think he likes you,"
"who Jake?"
"Maybe I like him," said Amanda
Scene 1: Amanda's Apartment. Chandler and Andrew are making paper airplanes. Amanda and Kiera are watching t.v. Jessie is staring confusing at the latest mystery novel she reads. Jake walks in with a big grin on his face.
Jake: Hey!
Everyone: Hey
Jake hands everybody a red envelope 
Chandler:Is it money?
Chandler:Then I have no interest
Andrew:What is it?
Jake:Something fun
Everyone is opening the envelope
Kiera:Jake's Smashin' Bash
Jessie:Your throwing a fight?
Jake:No, it's a party.
Jake:Aw c'mon we've graduated from college! What better way to celebrate? And kick off the summer?
Jake:Guys we can sleep when we're all old and gray.
Chandler:Which might come a lot sooner than we hope
Jake rolls his eyes
Jake:Look it's up in the Hampton's my dad has a sweet house. It's got a nice view, indoor pool.Plently of rooms. 
Jake:I'll pay for gas
Everyone: Yeah I'm in
Scene 2: Everyone gathers around Jake's car loading their stuff in
Chandler:So we're rollin' in a mini-van?
Jake:Hey it's a car, and don't complain or I will drop you off by the side of the road.
Amanda:The Hampton's. I'm excited. I've never been.
Jake shuts the trunk, and smiles at her "Well after we come back, you won't be saying that anymore.
Kiera: So who gets shot gun?
Chandler: Me!
Jake: No.
Chandler: why not?
Jake: I'm stucking you in the back so you can be with Andrew
Chandler: Fine.
Andrew: -shrugs- "I'm cool with it."
Everyone starts loading in. 
Andrew jumps in, Jessie follows and sits by Andrew.
Chandler:Hey, I'm suppose to sit there.
Jessie: I wanna sit by Andrew
Chandler makes a face
Chandler:Oh man...that's leaves me with Kiera
Kiera gets in unaware of Chandler's horrified face
Jake honks the horn
Jake:Chandler get in!
Exactly 10 minutes later
Jessie: I'm hungry
Andrew: Hey does everyone get their own room?
Chandler: Ha! Beat ya Kiera! Ow! Ow! Watch the face!
Jake sighs, and glances over at Amanda, who is watching the road like him.
He turns up the radio. 
Everyone sings along
"I shot a man in reno, just to watch him die,"
Scene 3: The Hamptons
It is Four in the afternoon
Seagulls are making sounds, everyone gets out and looks around at the view around them. Jake opens the trunk, and everyone gets their things, and moves inside the house. 
Jake: -smiles- "Welcome! To the finest house in all of The Hampton's belonging to yes the Parker family,"
Everyone stares
Jessie: "My"
Chandler: "You guys have a waffle maker?!"
Chandler examine's the waffle maker "It's so shiny...Can we make waffles?"
Jake: -shruggs- "If you want that to be your dinner go ahead. Kitchen should be stocked with everything."
Chandler: "Awesome. Andrew get over here! Let's make waffles!"
Andrew goes over to Chandler
Jake turns over to the ladies
"Ladies, I will show you to the rooms. But first do you all want your own room?"
Jessie: "Are there enough for me to have my own?"
Jake nods
Jessie:"Then yes I want my own room,"
Jake turns to Kiera and Amanda
Amanda: "We decided earlier we want to share a room together,"
Kiera nods
Jake: "Alright, ladies follow me. Chandler, Drew, don't burn my father's house down."
They heard sizzling
Chandler and Andrew: We won't!
Scene 4: 
Kiera and Amanda are getting settled into their room.
Amanda and Kiera have changed into one piece bathing suits.
There is a knock at the door.
Kiera goes to the door, and opens it to find Jessie, in a bathing suit and a big sun hat.
Jessie: "Hi guys!"
Amanda: "Hi"
Kiera:Hi. Jessie, you know the pool is indoor right?
Jessie:-still smiling- "Yeah. Why?"
Kiera: "No reason,"
Amanda:"You guys ready?"
Jessie and Kiera nod.
Amanda:OK, let's go -she is smiling-
Scene 5: 
Jake is outside grilling food.
Chandler and Andrew are still making waffles.
Chandler:OK, now flip it!
Andrew overflips and the waffle is on the ceiling.
Chandler: -claps his hands to his side- Now look what you've done!
Andrew:You told me to flip it!
Chandler:Yes. But you overflipped it!
Andrew:Think he'll notice?
Chandler looks at him then the waffle "Let's try to forget it happened."
The girls come in
"Hey Ladies,"
Jessie:-smells- Ooh..hey guys save me a waffle will ya?
Andrew winks at Jessie "You got it"
Chandler: Goin' swimming girls?"
Chandler:Have fun
They all walk away. 
Chandler goes back to the batter, but notices Andrew smiling and looking at the girls.
Chandler hits his arm.
Chandler:Did you just check out our friends?
Chandler:Which one's hotter?
Andrew:Kiera. She looks good in one.
Chandler: -purses his lips, and tries to wipe out the thought in his head- Second?
Chandler:Really? I was thinking Amanda.
Andrew: -shrugs- Hey man whatever floats your boat
Scene 6:
Girls are by the pool
Amanda is swimming
Kiera and Jessie are sitting in some chairs.
Kiera: Is it me or do you think the guys checked us out?
Jessie: -still reading her latest mystery novel- They did.
Kiera: Hmm. Alright.
Amanda gets out and goes to the diving board and flips into the pool.
Jessie: Oh!Oh! Bloody murder! 
Jessie throws her book into the water.
Kiera: What was wrong with your book?
Jessie: Too graphic.
Amanda: I'm not picking that up. 
Scene 7: 
Jake brings in the food, and Chandler and Andrew are eating out of the pan.
Jake sets the food on the counter, and looks at them closer.
Jake:Oh good. You're using forks.
Chandler and Andrew nod
Jake: -shouts to the ceiling- Hey girls! Food's ready!
Andrew:Jake. They went to the pool.
Jake walks over
Jake: Hey food's ready if anyone is hungry.
Kiera and Jessie get up
Jake: Where's Amanda?
Amanda: Here!
Jake looks and sees Amanda appearing in the water, she gets up and runs a towel through her hair.
Amanda walks to the kitchen. 
Jessie is eating a waffle and some chicken Jake cooked.
Andrew:Good waffle right Jess?
Jessie:The best.
Andrew smiles.
Amanda is serving herself a hot dog, and some other food. 
Jake is doing the same thing.
They hear a scream. 
Everyone runs upstairs.
They walk into a bathroom, and see Kiera hit a dark-haired girl.
Dark-haired girl: Ow!
Chandler: Well at least we know whose not being beat up.
Jake comes inbetween them
Jake:Hey!Break up!
Chandler holds Kiera's arm
Jake looks at the dark haired girl, the dark haired girl is now fixing her hair.
Jessie:-still eating a chicken- Whose Veronica?
Veronica: Me. I'm Veronica.
Scene 8
Jake and Veronica sit in a room, and are talking privately.
Jake:Ron, what are you...What are you doing here?
Veronica: I live here.
Jake: You live here?
Veronica: -nods- My parents went to Europe. Your dad said I could stay here 
Jake: Well ok. Do you want some food?
Veronica: Later. 
Jake steps out of the room and goes downstairs where everyone is gathered
Jessie:Just calm down Kiera
Kiera: And I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for her stupid scream. -she looks up and sees Jake- and his stupid need to be a Hero!
Chandler:Why does that sound a little familiar?
Jake grabs a plate a food.
Andrew:Jake. Whose the girl?
Jake:That's Veronica. She's a family friend.
Chandler:Well what she doing here?
Jake: Her parent's away and my dad told her she could stay here. 
Kiera:For how long?
Jake:Til the end of the summer..
Jessie:Well there goes the Bash
Jake:No. Guys, we can still have the Bash.
Kiera:No we can't. Too awkward.
Amanda:But people are coming.
Everyone but Jake: What?
Amanda:Jake asked me to pass out papers inviting everyone to the Bash.
Everyone turns to look at Jake
Jake:OK, yes I asked her to do it, but look it's gonna be fine.
Andrew:But we don't know Veronica.
Jake:Don't worry you'll all get the chance to get to know her and become friends with her.
Chandler:So now we're suppose to be friends with her?
Jake: Like I said. You'll get to know her.
Everyone sighs.
Jessie: Alright I'm going to bed 
Everyone but Jake and Amanda: Me too!
Chandler: Yes?
Kiera: Let go of my arm
Chandler has a confused face and looks:Oh! Gosh! Sorry
Kiera walks away.
Scene 9:
Jake and Amanda clean up everything.
Amanda gets a seperate plate and put's some food on it.
She slids it to jake
Amanda:For Veronica
Jake looks
Amanda nods and cleans the counter'
Veronica comes down.
She is in a tank top and sweats.
Jake hands her the plate of food
she starts biting the chicken. In between bites. She smiles at Amanda
Veronica: I'm Veronica
Amanda: I'm Amanda
Veronica: Nice to meet you
Amanda: Yeah, same here.
Chandler and Andrew come down. 
Chandler:Is there anymore food?
Jake:Yeah it's in the fridge
Andrew is frozen in place. He taken aback at how pretty Veronica
Veronica notices this, 
Chandler pulls some food out.
He looks at Andrew
Andrew looks at him
As Veronica is chewing, a waffle appears on her head.
Everyone stares
Chandler:Wow it finally came down...that stuck up there for a long time...
Jake turns to them
Veronica whimpers
Chandler:-while grabbing food- RUN!
Andrew and Chandler run upstairs, Jake runs over them.
Amanda helps Veronica clean up.
Veronica: That was disgusting
Amanda shrugs
Amanda:Two college boys fascinted with a Waffle maker. What can you do?
Veronica: You're all still in college?
Amanda shakes her head
Amanda:Not anymore. We all graduated.
Veronica nods to this.
They hear shouting upstairs, and banging noises.
Veronica:Should we..?
Amanda:Nah. Leave them be. It's nothing serious.
Amanda helps Veronica, clean the waffle from her hair.
Veronica:So how old are you?
Amanda:Twenty-one. You?
Veronica: Eighteen.
Amanda:I remember when I was eighteen. I was so excited to start college.
A brand new life.
Veronica:That's how I feel.
Amanda hands Veronica a towel. 
Amanda:Well most of it is out. You should probably shower and pick the rest out.
Veronica:Thanks. Hey is Jake..."
Amanda waits
Veronica: Do you know is Jake is single?
Amanda looks shocked but then tries to hide it.
Be cool,thought Amanda.
Amanda:Uh yeah. He's single.
Veronica: Cool. I've had a crush on him ever since we were little.I think this is finally my chance. Now that I'm older, and hey it's legal.
She finishes with a smile.
Veronica:Thanks for helping me Amanda.
Veronica walks upstairs
Veronica:Hey Jake
Jake:Hey you alright?
Veronica:Yeah.Amanda helped me. I'm gonna shower. See ya.
Jake waves then he comes down and notices Amanda sitting at the table staring at outside.Looking lost in her own thoughts.
Amanda looks up, half-startled
Amanda:Oh.Hey Jake.
Jake smiles
Jake:Thanks for helping Veronica
Amanda is staring outside again.
Amanda:Oh yeah no problem.
Jake:You OK?
Amanda: Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine.
Jake stands their awkwardly for a minute, then leaves the kitchen.
End of E-2

© 2012 Aly

Author's Note

Espidoe 2 :)
Trying to make it as much of a "Show" as possible :)

My Review

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Featured Review

This is going pretty great :P It's just....being me....I've got a few things to complain about. Sorry o:
First of all, if you're really trying to make this into a legitimate screenplay, I'd suggest adding thing's for your characters to do while they're talking. Have you ever read "The Crucible"? It's a great book to look at when you're writing a screenplay because it shows you exactly how to format it and...you know...shtuff :P When you're writing about the characters, try to think about what they'd be doing while they're talking and that'll give the whole thing a bit more dimension or whatever.
Secondly, at the very beginning you write that 'everyone' was talking at the same time. I find that a bit hard to believe unless they're all aliens whose brains are connected or something.
And lastly may I suggest spacing your lines out more? Maybe it's just me, but I thought it was kind've hard to read with everything so close together. Or maybe I'm just getting...old! NO! NO!!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO GET OLD!!!!! WHY!!! WHY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if I came off harsh and/or crazy :P I'm just a very very picky person :D :D :D :D :D Loving it so far, though!!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Becca Bishop

11 Years Ago

WOOO!!!! I knew today was a good day to get on!!!

11 Years Ago

:D! Just posted Episode 4 today. Have fun! :D
Becca Bishop

11 Years Ago

Will do :P I better go make me some popcorn :D


Very good! Reading episode three!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! Glad to hear it! :D
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This is really cool, and I give you credit for the imagination and style of writing. Your dialogue is well-written and engaging, but keep in mind to always use quotations marks around dialogue interactions to avoid reader confusion with other parts of a screenplay, such as on-stage directions, setting, etc. Well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! Will do. I'm glad you liked it. I hope you enjoyed Episode 3 "Rich Girl Roasting On a Sti.. read more

11 Years Ago

No problem at all, and I did indeed enjoy it! Forgive me for only giving this one review but had I i.. read more

11 Years Ago

Thank you :D
Wow, a lot of work went into creating this; and it shows, excellent!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

yes. Haha. Thank you. Glad you liked it
Awesome very entertaining :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! Glad it's entertaining!
read pizza dilemma 1&2 to the hampton's and really enjoyed it. :) I don't know much about screenplay writing, but it's very homey in a sense with getting to know how each character is like. Keep it up!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! I'm new to this Screenplay writing too! But you know I'm having a lot of writing and gett.. read more
for this to be a show i have to invision it... and i did, well done

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much! Glad you did!
Good so far I am really enjoying it

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! :D
This is going pretty great :P It's just....being me....I've got a few things to complain about. Sorry o:
First of all, if you're really trying to make this into a legitimate screenplay, I'd suggest adding thing's for your characters to do while they're talking. Have you ever read "The Crucible"? It's a great book to look at when you're writing a screenplay because it shows you exactly how to format it and...you know...shtuff :P When you're writing about the characters, try to think about what they'd be doing while they're talking and that'll give the whole thing a bit more dimension or whatever.
Secondly, at the very beginning you write that 'everyone' was talking at the same time. I find that a bit hard to believe unless they're all aliens whose brains are connected or something.
And lastly may I suggest spacing your lines out more? Maybe it's just me, but I thought it was kind've hard to read with everything so close together. Or maybe I'm just getting...old! NO! NO!!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO GET OLD!!!!! WHY!!! WHY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if I came off harsh and/or crazy :P I'm just a very very picky person :D :D :D :D :D Loving it so far, though!!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Becca Bishop

11 Years Ago

WOOO!!!! I knew today was a good day to get on!!!

11 Years Ago

:D! Just posted Episode 4 today. Have fun! :D
Becca Bishop

11 Years Ago

Will do :P I better go make me some popcorn :D
oooooo, this was good!! I wasnt expecting Veronica to come in, but i liked it. Things are becoming interesting. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I hope your writing more. xD

11 Years Ago

I am I am haha

11 Years Ago

This is really good! I'm so enjoying it! :-D
Nothing bad too say!

Posted 11 Years Ago

s y e

11 Years Ago

Haha, cutie! :P I think you were. You have some amazing talent and congratulations! :D Nah, this isn.. read more

11 Years Ago

Aw thanks. :D
s y e

11 Years Ago


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10 Reviews
Added on December 27, 2012
Last Updated on December 31, 2012
Tags: Friends, Humor, Fun



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