

A Chapter by [.forever.dreaming.]

It never gets old. Walking into a new school. Staring, whispering, pointing, it’s all the same. In a school of 500 or 2000, it doesn’t matter. Trust me I’ve done it a dozen times, and will until I age enough to pass for 20. Who knows how long that will take, I have waited almost 60 years to pass for eighteen.

My new home is a small town of - Lionea. My life since I was eight has been constant moving, from town to town. I live by myself and have for 55 years. My parents were killed back in 1953, they were protecting me. I chose this town hoping that I could slide in under the radar and pass the year by being a lone wolf, but by the looks of the school already the only thing that will be true in that statement is the wolf part.

I walked down the hall to the main office; I caught on to some of the whispers. Hey, I can’t help it if my hearing is 20 times better than a normal person’s. The whispers too were no different than any other school either, “who is that?” “she’s hot” “I have never seen her before”. You have to love teenage males, they always have the best thoughts.

I have never tried hard to keep friendships let alone a real relationship. I’ve had my fair share of what people call crushes, don’t get me wrong but I will never risk putting myself in danger or another person because of what I am. Not ever again.

My trek to the main office was too long for my liking but I made it in one piece. The office was like any other school, maybe a little less funded, but still the same basic layout. A long counter with computers, desks and chairs behind it.

“May I help you?’ a small cheery woman asked from behind the desk as I entered.

“I’m new here, my name is Tiffany, Tiffany Conner,” I replied handing her my paper work.

“Alright dear, give me a minute to pull up your file,” she responded, once again in a cheery voice.

It took her a minute or two to get all the paper work entered into the computer and another couple to print out my schedule, parking tag and find a school map. I have always been patient; it comes with the lifestyle, so it didn’t bother me to wait.

When she returned to the counter she handed me all the things I needed and explained everything. She took some time to highlight my classes and the quickest routes to them, which I was thankful for. The less time I spend in the halls the better.

Without looking back I turned and walked out of the office doors. The halls were dead now, except the last few people taking their time getting to class. I walked by a group around a locker and something hit me, they were staring at me, watching me while I walked. Normally the stares don’t bother me, they are just annoying but these ones were different. Yeah there was the normal curiousity but there was something else too. I just couldn’t put my finger on it and to tell the truth it irked me. I’m not trying to brag but I am normally very smart and quick to pick up on things. I took another short glance as I walked into my classroom. I could have sworn that one of them winked at me, pigs.

The class was noisy still when I walked in making me a little more comfortable. No matter how many times you start a new school your biggest fear is to walk into a noisy class and having it go silent. Nothing is more awkward and uncomfortable. The odd person turned to stare but I zoned it out and headed toward the teachers desk. He was an older man, balding, kind smile and a big belly, but a nice guy all together.

He called the class to order and did the whole announcement of the new girl. Yeah, I’ve done that too, many times. Then he pointed me to a seat connected to another empty desk which I was grateful for. People stared, smiled and introduced themselves and I smiled and added comments when necessary. I may come off blunt and easily annoyed in my head but truth be told I’m not. Being around people as long as I have I know that it is just their nature and I don’t mind it. Actually I find all the different reactions amusing. It probably sounds cheesy but a new school is like one of those boxes of candy hearts, you never really know what you will find. My life has been spent studying people so I can judge reactions and body language really well. The reason I do that is so that I can judge how long it’s safe for me to stay in one place and when I should run for cover.

A few minutes after I had gotten settled into my seat my gratefulness wore off. Another person joined the class and occupied the seat next to me. I could never be that lucky. He was tall, and muscular, by the looks of it, with black spiked hair. He looked familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it once again. What was wrong with me today?

Then it hit me, he was one of the guys at the locker. I wasn’t quite sure if it was him who had winked but still he was a pig by association. Yet I had to admit he was pretty good looking, it was safe to glance because he was no longer persistently staring at me.

Class went on and I paid very little attention to the teacher and a lot to the group outside the class. By the end of the class I had an idea of what the teacher was talking about, mostly course related, no clue as to why i got an awkward feeling from that group of guys, and I hadn’t talked to the guy next to me at all. So two out of three things accomplished, and the third still nagging at my brain.

When the bell rang everyone quickly jumped out of their seats and headed for the door, all except me and the guy in the seat next to me.

“What’s your next class?” he asked randomly as he watched me pick up my books.

“Oh it’s music, in room 10,” I responded quickly, not even realizing it.

“I’ll walk you there. By the way I’m John.”


I finished gathering my books and he headed for the door. I followed quickly like a little lost puppy tagging along. This was not my kind of style at all, something about this day was really starting to bug me. While we walked he made small talk and I added to the conversations, my mind still else where. He asked simple things like where I was from, if I had any brothers are sisters, what I enjoyed to do, and what not. Nothing dangerous in my mind, but there was one thing that I realised. He had an off smell to him, something that I have never smelt on a human. He was still staring at me, the same way as before, and that’s when I realised what it was.

It was blood lust, something that makes you feel like you’re a piece of meat. Something I have only ever seen in a predators eyes, mine one too many times. Then I saw a change in his eyes, realization. He stopped outside of the class door, facing away from me.

“Would you mind if I asked you to come out to lunch with me?” he asked hesitantly, turning to face me.

“Uh, no not really,” I answered slowly, too many thoughts running through my head.

“Alright then, I’ll meet you out in the parking lot then. Have fun,” he smugly said, giving me a grin that made my heart race.

“Okay, yeah I’ll try to.”

Something about this day was off, I went from so confident to so confused in a matter of hours. No human has ever made me feel so vulnerable, and to tell the truth I was scared stiff. RUN! Was the only thought that pounded through my head, but a part of me was also curious.

Wow. Something was seriously wrong with me today, all my instincts told me one thing but my body and mind told me something completely different. Maybe music would help me pull my thoughts together, I could only hope. Music was my one true love, besides running full out through the forest, it helped me to get my thoughts in order.

Like my other class it was noisy, teacher called the class to order, I got introduced and appointed a seat, same old routine. This time I took a seat near the middle of the class room, both seats to the side of me occupied. The one to my left was a bleach blonde girl with very plump lips, and the one to my right was a tall skinny guy with glasses and blonde hair too. They introduced themselves as Leo, and Abby, and I introduced myself pleasantly, with a smile.

The teacher then asked everyone to go and pick out the instrument that they were interested in and bring it back to their seat. The choice varied from violin, flute, oboe, clarinet, others, and guitar my favourite instrument. I picked up the old acoustic guitar and headed back to my seat. The teacher then made his way round the class with music books according to instrument, then settled at the front of the class and asked us to play something for him. He went one by one through the class, everyone was fairly good at what they played. When he came to me I thought for a moment of what I should play, then decided on one of my own songs.

I played and the class fell silent. It was a bit nerve racking but I get so absorbed in the music that it is bearable. I strummed the last note and looked up to a crowd of awed faces. I hadn’t realised that while I had been playing, I had also been singing. I shrugged it off and questioned the teacher if I had done something wrong.

He was silent at first, I figured he was gathering his thoughts, then he came out a gushed about how beautiful the song was and how talented I was. I knew that I could sing and that I was good at it but I didn’t like the fact of people actually knowing it. Call me odd but after almost 60 years of trying to stay low profile, people realising that you’re a talented singer gives you the kind of above average feeling.


I had a feeling that the teacher was going to try and corner me before I could leave, so I asked Leo to take me book back for me. I had a strange way with people, especially males, it has to do with the make up of my hormones, at least that was my guess. I didn’t mind it much, it made some things a lot easier for myself. Selfish, I know but hey you can’t tell me that you wouldn’t if you could.

Once the bell rang I quickly left the class heading for the parking lot doors. I was starting to get extremely skittish, and nervous, but another part of me was almost pulling me towards the doors. My feet dragged on towards the door while my mind fought continuously against its self. I felt like I was possessed by something, my body wouldn’t listen to what it was being told. By the time I could actually act on my own, I was already out the doors and standing face to face with John.


He wasn’t alone he was surrounded by his buddies from the locker and a couple of girls who, by my guess, were girlfriends of the other guys. Then my mind raced back to the locker and I stared at the faces. I tried to remember which one I had seen wink so that I could give him a good smack, but my mind didn’t seem to want to work. I couldn’t remember it clear enough to pick out who it was. I knew one thing that was for sure, I was going to smack my head off the wall a couple of times once I got home.

“You ready to eat?” he asked looking down at me with that stupid, beautiful grin.


“Yeah, sure. Where are we going?” I inquired, with more confidence than I have had today.


“I was thinking something like McDonalds. You up for that?”


“Sounds good to me. I’ll meet you there then?”

“No I can drive you.”



With that I followed him to his Dodge 4x4, half expecting his buddies to follow. When they didn’t I asked if they were going to come along, or meet us there, and all I got was a no and it’s just you and me. There was something that still struck me as odd about him, it was like there was something more to him, and he knew more about me than he let on.


Lunch passed quick enough. My hunger wasn’t quite stated but I could make due. That was another thing I was used to. You can’t honestly tell me that a teen girl eating 12 burgers to herself would be anywhere near normal. Though I was easy with my meal I couldn’t say the same for him. He ate, well more like inhaled, 4 burgers, one super-sized fry, and a super-sized Coke. Though I have been around people for a long time, I wasn’t quite sure if that was normal either.


When we got back to school he walked me to my class again. This time he was more talkative. I liked this side of him more than his, somewhat creepy, other side. A werewolf calling something creepy now that’s new. We have human feelings too remember its part of what we are.

He stopped outside of my class to say goodbye and walked away without another word. I knew guys were moody but hell, this guy defined PMS. One minute he was weird and mysterious, the next he was happy and talkative. I wasn’t quite sure what to think.


I can’t believe this. I’m letting myself get worked up over some good looking, pig, of a human. I was going completely against what I had tired so hard to keep. Now I was risking not only exposing myself but risking his safety. I won’t do it, not after what happened. It wouldn’t be fair to them. I just can’t do it. Not now, not ever.


I calmed my thoughts and walked in to my next class, home economics. It was the same as my past two classes, I got introduced and appointed a seat, would it ever change.


While the teacher talked about the course and having to pick partners, I listened to the whispers around me. A groupd of guys ahead of me were arguing over who would be what girl’s partner. Another teenage male thing to do. Take a home economics class to pick up on girls, how classic. Beside me a pair of girls were talking and giggling about their plans for this weekend. From what I picked up someone was having a party.


Then I saw them. Two of John’s friends, I didn’t know their names but their faces were vivid in my head. One extremely tall with brown, long curly hair and heavy set eyes. The other shorter, but still tall to my 5’5 self, with sandy blonde, shaggy hair. They sat deep in conversation and I couldn’t help but listen.


“He thinks she is,” the brown haired guy whispered, his brow furrowed.


“But it doesn’t make sense. None of it fits,” the other countered leaning back in his seat.


“No it all fits, the smell, attraction, attitude, and the lack of a history.”


“Yeah I guess but still, maybe it’s just some kind of fluke.”


“Who knows, but we will find out tonight, hopefully.”


That’s when they turned to look at me. I wasn’t looking at them thankfully but I could see them out of the corner of my eye, my body tensed. Did the really know what I was? Or was it just some misunderstanding? Should I take off tonight or stick around for one more day? My mind began to race and I started to lose control.


I could feel it burning up inside of me, my skin began to itch. My eyes felt heavier and my mind began to blacken. I gripped the table for support and inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, attempting to calm myself. It worked a fair bit but I could still feel my skin itch and the burning inside of me. You would think that after 60 years I would be completely in control of myself but truth be told I’m not. Yes my control is one thing I pride myself on, but that’s my control of my need for blood. Blood lust is the one thing a werewolf can never give into if they want to survive. That’s part of the reason that I have gone to school so long, being around humans so much can almost completely rid you of that lust, but there are some things you just can’t adjust to. In my world emotions rule your change. Which means that if you are too angry, stressed or scared you lose all control.


I waited out the class with as much control as I could muster. It took all my brain power to focus on the teacher, not the burning inside of me or the itch of my skin. Time passed slowly, each minute taking a toll on my control. My nails were still digging into the side of the counter, my teeth gnawing at the back of my lips. It was fine though, they would heal in no time. Another plus side to the whole werewolf thing.

When class had finished I decided to bail out on my last period of school. I rushed out to my car, laying my head down hard on the steering wheel. I sat there in the almost silence. A few minutes passed before I put the keys in the ignition and left.


By the time I got back to my house I was relatively calm. I threw my keys on the living room table and went to my room to change. My house wasn’t big, just a small two story, in the middle of no where. There was a small backyard with a forest surrounding the edge. That’s why I picked it, I have to run every now and then or my instincts begin to control me. Not that running is a bad thing, I actually really enjoy it. Next to my music it’s the one thing that soothes me. You will never understand the thrill of running full speed through a forest in the dead of night. The wind blowing across your body, the cool earth beneath your feet. Your body engulfed in the sounds of animals scurrying and bugs humming. The crunch of autumn leaves under your paws or the soft feel of the semi damp dirt.


I changed into a pair of sweat pants and an old t-shirt. After grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge, I picked up my guitar from the kitchen table and headed out to the backyard. I sat out in one of the patio chairs and began to play. Time passed a lot quicker this way, every once in a while I would love something random that I strummed and would write it down.


I hadn’t realized that I had fallen asleep until something moving in the woods woke me up. I jumped out of the chair on high alert. My eyes searched the trees for the source and then I saw it. A huge black wolf stood on the right side of the yard, staring at me. My whole body tensed as it slowly got closer, it’s eyes never leaving me.







© 2009 [.forever.dreaming.]

Author's Note

Just want your opinion on the story and if i should continue writing it before i post more. Any criticism is appreciated, thanks :)

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Aw I really liked it! I wonder what'll happen next!

Posted 14 Years Ago

It's cool. It's intense and awesome. I can't wait until the next chapters!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 14, 2008
Last Updated on January 17, 2009




I'm an easy going person who absolutely loves to write. i have been writing since grade 5, and will until i get sick of it. Which is hopefuly never:). Besides writing i love drawing, reading, playing .. more..
