The two daring Transformers/warriors, Agus and Cyclonus, have to investigate a mysterious robot-planet named Unicron who's approaching Earth with unkn..
Raiden, master of Mortal Kombat, time-travels to London's Whitechapel District in the 1800s and meets a fair prostitute and her young son Edward and t..
An alien visitor creates a pornographic dominion and seduces an idealistic patriot away form his duties and transforms him into a terrorist...all thro..
An Internet-blogger muses about the global weight of the football/soccer terminology conflict controversy and how it affects our attitudes towards uni..
A young American man named Alas must journey through a labyrinth in D.C. to recover magical Christmas sweaters made by a priest and stolen by the terr..
Deadpool, the world's most active and wild superhero vigilante, considers why he would retire from a life of combating the worst forms of evil (e.g., ..
This is a Transformers (Hasbro/Marvel) fan-fiction about the Decepticon general Galvatron who, in this story, is analyzing high-school shootings in Am..
A soccer star creates all kinds of modern-day intrigue and reminds us that new age social activity is akin to daydreams and insane rituals!
Pablo Pato is an aspiring soccer prodigy who might make a special deal with the Devil to become a soccer 'phenom' and win himself a role as a 'porno s..
A bizarre-looking slender mermaid a sailboat captain spots near the Virgin Islands appears to be made entirely of dark black hair, prompting the capta..