We walk up to the green door with the purple handle ... uh, you open it. Mmmkay, now go through. What? Me first? But- ... fine. We walk in, and aft..
The title says it all. ;)
sounds intriguing? well it is!
Please read.
It's the skull door you've all been waiting for!
The glowing sticks? ... Yeah, you would choose that. You sock me in the shoulder as we walk towards the door, Ow! What the heck was that for!? Oh fin..
This is a your choice story, YOU CHOOSE where to go next! :) ;)
There is a winged silhouette,Against the dark clouds outlined in light,There is a blue and red streak,Flying out of sight,There is a metal hand,Laseri..
For some people bliss resides in a book.Others, a salty sea breeze,Many find bliss in a piece of chocolate,And some in the nature one sees,Some find i..