Homophobia (specifically, against men) and misogyny are the best of pals. They ride bikes together, and skip rocks at the lake after a long day spent ..
My love is not built upon fanciful notionsof things left unsaid and romanticized silence;it has no need for such absurd assumptions.My love is not the..
“I saw it with my own two eyes! A witch! Amadioha knows I cannot
The girl ducked her head down as the crowd murmured in respon..
it's the monster living in the coffin,created by the bodily obstructionof sun rays,a reflection-less fiendso unkind as to not feast on blood,instead,o..
She tasted like unfulfilled desire,a fledgling flame,my tongue -gasoline,we turned bed sheets into fiery battle grounds,conflagrations of seemingly en..
Mosquito, mosquito,why do you bother me so?Are your friends so few?In that regard we are the same.Or is it insomnia?I know that too.Are your eyes redd..
with every exhaleanother dreaded memoryanother ghoulish tormentfloatingminuscule cloudsevaporating into nothingnessmy lungs would be sacrificesblacken..
"I could take you to the brink of deathand you would still adore me",she begins.Her idea of foreplay."It's only human",she moans,her tattooed hand pul..
I want to write about a girl.When she enters a room and begins to speak,even the loudest voices become quiet and meek,even the most verbally astutebec..
what if the identities of the worlddon't fit you?like tight clothes forced on the big bonedbecause you're supposed to be thinor a frown on a pretty fa..