There's a haunted house inside me.It retains unwanted anger, regrets,and shame.-It's dark, and it's spooky.The cobwebs hold hostile emotions.All that'..
Paint roses, blossoms, and vines on your jeans.Dance on a picnic table in the rain.Read Plath, Frost, Salinger, and Kerouac.Ask a butterfly to sit on ..
This too shall passAutumn fields with chestnuts strewn,Resound October's chilly tune,Spreading down through dirt and grain,Touching roots of sugar can..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I''ve said helloTo those I pass,But none can do the same.~And though I knowWe're a different class,To each I cannot blame.~Perhaps toda..
Those mighty trees that spread their armswere once as tall as you.And none have felt the sweeping strokesof what a saw could do.Yet underneath those s..
Inside a laundromat's luminous, sleepy window,among the low-pitched, hypnotizing humof stainless steel washers and dryers,he sits in his usual dull gr..
When you’ve been markedand filed awayand blades of grass replace legionsof euphoric fans,the only unfettered applause leftwill be the rustling o..
The Little B*****d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iwish I'd seen him in Fairmountwith a Stetson hat, blue jeans, and boots;or with his collar turned up on a ra..
A Story by Relic
I remember rain tapping at the diner window. The smooth white table we sat at held ketchup, salt, and her mournful face cradled in the palm of her ha..
Once in a while,as though pulled in by some desireor force,some decide to take a ride backto Writers Cafe.It's not always a long visit, yetthey still ..