LastMonth : Writing

The Dragon

The Dragon

A Story by LastMonth

Tragedy is a matter of proportions. What some see as minor, others can't recover from.
A Dance in the Sky

A Dance in the Sky

A Story by LastMonth

Love is like gravity, at times it can pull lovers together, and at times it scrambles everything around into chaos.


A Story by LastMonth

The quest for purpose can last a lifetime. Achieving it can last even longer. But they never speak of the emptiness that follows.
A Hole in the Wall

A Hole in the Wall

A Story by LastMonth

The destination matters. But so does the path. Not achieving the goal you set is not the same as faillure, but perhaps only an interesting twist.
The Taste

The Taste

A Poem by LastMonth

Death is one of the most dominant factors in life. And every living creature struggles with it differently. A story not of redemption, but acceptenc..
In the Eye of the Beholder

In the Eye of the Beholder

A Story by LastMonth

A story that is native to Jewish tradition. Brought to writing by me. Took some liberties but in the end the story is folk tale.
A Meadow's Tale

A Meadow's Tale

A Story by LastMonth

Rivalries can turn into tragedies, but the way there is littered with happy moments. Does only the destination matter? Or perhaps the path that you t..
Across The Stars

Across The Stars

A Story by LastMonth

Short. rhymes, a little allegory about home and what lies beyond it.

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