Luna Imperfecta

Luna Imperfecta


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About Me

I’m always in some way changing but staying the same, kind of like and ongoing metamorphosis. I’m an art student trying to find my way somehow. I strive to express myself as much as possible... I’m not religious, but I’m prity spiritual all the same.. I think that everyone has their own right to believe in what they want and express them self how they choose. I’ve always loved art; I enjoy the beauty or message an artist leaves for the world. I hope to be likely enough to share my messages like the dirty secret no one can possible keep. Also to show all of you the beauty I see. I love rock music the most and pretty much will listen to anything other than Christian &Country music. I’m a sucker for old movies and zombie flicks. I really love swimming and ocean life. Sometimes you can hardly get me out of the water. I really am striving to be a great artist. Be it any medium, I want to become a tattoo artist most of all. I feel it really is a true art and should be treated as such. I model, I’m trying to be the next Bettie of the alternative modeling world. The rest you just have to read my writing…