Rites of Passagea poem by Raj RajaniemiAnother turn around the ovalthen the straight push toward the finish-linethe crowd at a fever pitch the man wit..
One With Natureby Raj RajaniemiCold,frigid cold,my body now devoid of all fluids;lying as a statue to the frailty of man,for all perpetuity!Man is ill..
The Spellby Raj RajaniemiAnother place;it was yet another time,a memory of the kindthat will not long stay forgotten.If not you;it involved somebody e..
Wounded Knees(deliverance)by Raj RajaniemiWounded knees;broken spirits,as my life debilitates from here within!Then again;as I have allowed to happen,..
Crazyby Raj RajaniemiCrazy; like a foxbut, are they?Or, for that matter am I?The fox; intrepid as a hunterbut, quick-witted,wily and quite canine,when..
"He Said"by Raj RajaniemiHe said, "he loved you so much"that it hurt himand there was nothing that he could do; but, love you my dear, forever and eve..
Truly God's Creation by Raj RajaniemiI am truly God's Creationand I know why I can see and marvel at his handy work all completed in just seven days ..
I Went Thereby Raj RajaniemiI went there!I stepped back into time;even though my heart tried so hard to change my mind,still I went there.I went there..
The Art of Losingby Raj RajaniemiSome people know it wellthe art of losingyou can read it on their facesevery expression is a tellPeople accept losing..
My Shipby Raj RajaniemiSailing forthfrom unknown ports of callsbe they in-boundor far out of boundoceans or other nameless seas!My shiphas constantly ..