Dhara_Ditzy Kat : Writing

Queen's Beans

Queen's Beans

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

A polite and well-mannered queen Had chronic farting in her genes She let rip on the quiet Yet there was a big riot A traitor had fed her baked..


A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

A fat frigid lady named JoyWas sexually frustrated and coyShe came up with a goalTo marry a male blow-up dollAnd now she's very happy with her boy
Rama Mama!

Rama Mama!

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

An Indian stuck in AtacamaTried telephoning his mamaHis pants got soiled with shitWith no water to flush itHare Rama Rama Hare Rama!
Sweetly Ending Limericks

Sweetly Ending Limericks

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

A sweet old lady with a beard Needed a barber to be sheared But she met some friendly bees For a comfy rental fees She let them lay eggs i..
Moral Kicks In Limericks

Moral Kicks In Limericks

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

I know of two lovers in Spain Who liked to get dirty in the rain But one mad bug in the grass Taught them never to trespass Their ..
Otter Water

Otter Water

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

Once a naughty little baby otterAlways liked to pee in the waterRub-a -dub-a-dub-dub-dubHis mum threw out the tubThe baby went out with the bathwater
My Friend Paul

My Friend Paul

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

There once was a nice guy named PaulWho wanted to review one and allBut then he got a big shockSome prick had pressed him the 'block'Paul had a big be..
Scott Caught Cot

Scott Caught Cot

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

There once lived a wily old ScottWho thought he was so hunky and hotBut he let out a big sneezeHis rheumy lungs had a wheezeHis missus sent him quick ..
Just For Kicks

Just For Kicks

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

1) There once was a coolcat named Jude Who thought himself a real hot dude When he bought himself a hoe 'Twas a hairy bloke named Joe Who flatten..
Hicks & Pricks

Hicks & Pricks

A Chapter by Dhara_Ditzy Kat

1) There once was a crone named Shirley Who drove a sick, wheel-chaired Harley The engine revved to a vroom But the motor went kaboom Now she fli..

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