16-year-old Kendall isn't too happy about moving away with her family, let alone living in a mysterious town, in an eerie mansion. The family is in fo..
Army Warrant Officer Jessica Fitzpatrick faces many obstacles while stationed in Iraq.This is her incredible, inspiring, adventure to defend her count..
T'ill death do us part, is alittle to much for her. Susie finds out her highschool sweetheart, is in fact a monster. Will Susie survive?
The unknown happening from her secret lover's perspective.
Her suicidal bestfriend..
I wrote this to my boyfriend awhile back, and didn't want it to be a love story. haha sorry.
Her wrote this back to me. As you can tell, we would talk in poetry. Okay, im done with this story stuff. xD
Two unlikey friendships. I based this upon me and bestfriend.
This was my first entry in my diary. Old but I still love it
I wrote this true-story, based upon another side you have not seen. Take a step into a suicidal teenager's mind.