Sheri Haynes : Writing

The Winter Beast

The Winter Beast

A Poem by Sheri Haynes

A beautiful Nebraska winter morning inspired me to write this poem outside in below zero weather. During the night a fierce winter storm passed throug..
The Wise Old Snowy Owl

The Wise Old Snowy Owl

A Poem by Sheri Haynes

I have always loved animals since I was young, and one of my favorite is the snowy owl, looking into his yellow made me wonder what he was thinking wh..
The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm

A Poem by Sheri Haynes

A storm that was rolling across the plains of Nebraska inspired this poem.
The Gift

The Gift

A Story by Sheri Haynes

A sixteen year old girl is born with psychic powers. She is called on to assist police with a case of a missing toddler Andrew who disappeared from hi..
Black Widower

Black Widower

A Book by Sheri Haynes

Detective Ethan Flye is tracking down a fellow cop from the Lansing PD who has disappeared shortly after his wife died in a drowning accident, but was..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Sheri Haynes

Shealy McPhillips is sharing a romantic moment with Wade Roker a man she barely knows but is falling in love with. In the back of her mind she thinks ..


A Book by Sheri Haynes

FBI profiler Dr. Nolan Kroft is sent to New York City to investigate a series of murders that has rocked the city with fear. He finds that the killer ..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Sheri Haynes

Thinking back to a story posted in the times about a month ago, of yet another woman disappearing and yet everyone would wait for her body to turn ..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Sheri Haynes

He had just closed the file on a robbery case involving the theft of millions of dollars taken from several banks across the U.S and Canada. The th..