Stephen Kim : Writing

The Fog Witch

The Fog Witch

A Story by Stephen Kim

Husband find his wife two times


A Book by Stephen Kim

A book on Luciferian worship


A Chapter by Stephen Kim

A group of solitary Luciferian practitioners and congregations. Followers of Lucifer believe Math, Science, and Medicine are to explains everything a..
Manifesto of Luciferian law

Manifesto of Luciferian law

A Chapter by Stephen Kim

The manifesto of Luciferian law •There are no blood rituals no killing of any living thing. Scientific data shows th..
Retired John

Retired John

A Story by Stephen Kim

A angry bigot gets retired
Order out of chaos

Order out of chaos

A Chapter by Stephen Kim

Order out of chaos Keep your self in order. Understand chaos and don't partake in chaos. We all have chaos i..
Tools of the Enlightened

Tools of the Enlightened

A Chapter by Stephen Kim

Enlightenment to see what others can't see. Never allow to be repressed. Ones will try to cage..
Luciferian Mass

Luciferian Mass

A Chapter by Stephen Kim

Luciferian Mass The the reason for the mass is honer the falling Angel Lucifer and her followers. The mass is a reenactment of the battle in heave..


A Chapter by Stephen Kim

Confimeration is the last of sacraments of Lucifer. The confimeration bestows full following to Lucifer. This bonds the confirmed with Luciferians..


A Chapter by Stephen Kim

All our lives we who believe in Lucifer are moving in time toward that moment when we will be taken by death from this world and enter into the joy ..