Mariana Silva : Writing

Time was once so precious

Time was once so precious

A Poem by Mariana Silva

A poem on the love one can still feel for someone so much farther than the street corner


A Poem by Mariana Silva

Inspired anew by the grace of a friend.


A Poem by Mariana Silva

New poem approach...taking personal thoughts on a person and expressing the emotions and thoughts.
Our Last Embrace

Our Last Embrace

A Poem by Mariana Silva

Written with no one in mind and came out to be something akin to a poem for comfort and reassurance.
So Intense

So Intense

A Poem by Mariana Silva

Writing on the passing of my dearest friend


A Poem by Mariana Silva

There are not enough words to describe why this is here.


A Poem by Mariana Silva

Contest submission:details later
Not an Empty Promise

Not an Empty Promise

A Poem by Mariana Silva

Understand, I want to be yours, but not at the expense of who I am.


A Poem by Mariana Silva

Do you still read what I write and so, do you recognize yourself in my eyes?
The Imp, Joy

The Imp, Joy

A Book by Mariana Silva

A small girl who has just lost her mother comes to know a small imp. This imp shows her who her mother was through dreams and slowly this little girl ..

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