Warick Ten Bohmer : Writing

Inside My Head

Inside My Head

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Whatever you walk away from, your head is something you can't get away from. When you give up fighting thoughts you keep having, this is where it can ..


A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Imagine trying to get away from a mistake and then finding out you can't escape what you have done. Facing the consequences is never any fun, let that..
Walking Mistake

Walking Mistake

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

We all make them, but sometimes we feel like we are the mistakes in human form. An upside down teddy that's falling apart, seems like a mistake to use..
I Wont Be Missed

I Wont Be Missed

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Ever found out second hand that someone hasn't told you something you believe they should have?
A Reason

A Reason

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Someone told me things happen for a reason...
Transparent Leaving

Transparent Leaving

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

It's about becoming a ghost after you are no long living the life you shared with that someone you shared everything you could with.
Searching For Nothing

Searching For Nothing

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Just came up with it when I logged on.
Blind Love

Blind Love

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Late at night before I drift off to sleep, this poem pops into my head...
Any Soldier Would

Any Soldier Would

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

Lest we forget? A poem inspired by a poem.
A Thousand Words

A Thousand Words

A Poem by Warick Ten Bohmer

What can you put a price on? What should you put a price on? When should you throw any judgement out the door? Is this an answer you're looking for?

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