The Silent Deviant : Writing

Exploring the Stars...

Exploring the Stars...

A Book by The Silent Deviant

A chapter book I'm working on based entirely in the starbound universe. Starbound is a game in which you explore the vast universe of space to see al..
History of Azerus

History of Azerus

A Chapter by The Silent Deviant

Curious about Azerus? Do you wonder why the world is as it is, and follows the laws it does? Look no further.
The Scions

The Scions

A Chapter by The Silent Deviant

This chapter explains the Scions in detail, each on individually as well.
The Tempest Lore Book

The Tempest Lore Book

A Book by The Silent Deviant

Behold, the Tempest Lore Book. I will dump any thoughts and ideas of tempest in here, assuming that they have no place in the official writing. A good..
Zaranai Mikazu

Zaranai Mikazu

A Chapter by The Silent Deviant

The bio of Zaranai Mikazu, a mystery woman from the far east of Azerus.
Character Bios for Tempest

Character Bios for Tempest

A Book by The Silent Deviant

Fresh and new segment of stuff, not really stories but as the name implies they are bios. Just interesting reads for people interested in them. Ill up..
Filled out Role-Play Template

Filled out Role-Play Template

A Story by The Silent Deviant

This is what the Template should look like when it is filled out. It is also my role-play character I will be using.
Role-play Character Template

Role-play Character Template

A Story by The Silent Deviant

General template for role-play characters. May not cover every field that you want, however it leaves flexibility for whatever might have been missed.
Seriously out of Practice

Seriously out of Practice

A Story by The Silent Deviant

Let's face it folks, I haven't done stuff in a while on this page.
Music, in the words of a Deviant

Music, in the words of a Deviant

A Story by The Silent Deviant

This expresses a few of my opinions about the many music lovers out there, legitimate or otherwise.