Tickle the toes ever so feathery light.Massage the feet with every firm hoove.Foot gravitates toward, slithering in secduction to the snout. Groping a..
i escape reality with every word,into the sentences I dove,into this poetic world called fantasyland.
lost stance, I melt away.
seep in your pores.
we succumb to the fiery.
Gazers luster'd by aura. Enticing capture off soft supple. Glissade through lush tresses. Subtle brush imbue pout petals. ..
One may not notice it at first in the dimmed of light. But perspectively change ever so slightly and glowing light will reflect through. To see actual..
Want to just do it, do it right now. What are we waiting for. I don't have all night! Let's get down to it. Why are you not making the first move. Is ..
Want your cream sandwiched between my snicker crunch inviting? Make your PayDay the BEST you ever had? A JOLLY ranchers GOOOOD time having you sunkist..
Jack and Frieda (hence the title) more so inspired this piece after many poetic collaborations by them so far. ;o)
Insculpt you open, chest down. Crawl inside, curl up emulating a baby in fetus form. Enclose, sensationed cozy warm. Longed to lobe immerse your vivid..
Riddled in this. Raddled in that. Pigs fly in sweet bliss. Haven't cared who, you ever a scrawny feline or a fat cat. Told all about it, your heart gr..