bhavya : Writing

Little 7 year old.

Little 7 year old.

A Poem by bhavya

I was a fat boy much like a teddy loved by the lot Little do you know teddy is being touched by his friends behind the cot. I would suffocate myse..


A Poem by bhavya

I see the entire cosmos in your eyes. Isn't it beautiful how your fragile existence resembles a plethora of lucidity. For everything I ever ne..
I bleed. I rise

I bleed. I rise

A Poem by bhavya

People suffering from life threatening diseases are strong.


A Poem by bhavya

A humble thanks to the person who once made me write this., you were the reason once.:) but today I believe , I am the soul reason responsible,for my ..


A Poem by bhavya

A fiery soul like a candle , craved love,to burn. To burn is to live, Betraying the barriers of her own dignity, She played out her heart to be s..
you are all.

you are all.

A Poem by bhavya

I will touch your body, penetrate into your skin like your blood needs me. I travel all the way from tip to toe And with every move you make, I..


A Poem by bhavya

You are so much more all the time.