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Asheville, NC
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About Me

I'm a poet.
I'm a creator and the muse.
I'm a creature that bumps in the night.
I'm a vegan, with a bloody, raw mind.
I'm a walrus and an egg-man and a warm gun.
I'm a patient etherised upon a table.
I'm the moon in a sunless sky
and I will have my day.
This moon will have her day.



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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the review :] This piece is meant to be lyrics, I'm still working out some kinks though..it's like hypnotic, almost shoegazer rock. One day I hope to actually have recorded music, but...ahh that will take time and skill. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks sweety, hugs xx

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Great to meet you hon! xx

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Love your Life and Awaken to the Natural World. Move in Transformative ways and give Birth to a New Vision. Life Transforming Change occurs when we move the Imagination to a place of Inspiration. Manifestation is Joyous and by Deepening your Love Affair with your Life you create Pleasurable ways of Nourishing the Soul. Journey to Health and Happiness by living with Wisdom and Love.

Micheal Teal