Ama May Cooper : Writing

In reality -chapter 3

In reality -chapter 3

A Chapter by Ama May Cooper

"oi matt pick that up, and where was u this morning" my boss harsh voice pierced my daydream. Spinning around, and bending down quickly to ..
Love blossoms-chapter 4

Love blossoms-chapter 4

A Chapter by Ama May Cooper

It was a cold day in comparison to all the others, the last fading reatreat of summer as autumn raised its heavy head, and i sat alone that day on the..
Boredom - chapter 5

Boredom - chapter 5

A Chapter by Ama May Cooper

All thatis in the past now, im well aware of that. Im living in no dillusions. I see my life for all it is and all i fear it will ever be. They say yo..
Human beings

Human beings

A Poem by Ama May Cooper

A rather depressing poem about the life of human.. lol well i do have a habit of writing very morbid poetry but all the same here it is
I miss the good old days, when things weren't so different

I miss the good old days, when things weren\'t so ..

A Poem by Ama May Cooper

i wrote this hwen i was about 12.. the age began to throw away my childish dreams adn see the reality of the world
Just you and me

Just you and me

A Poem by Ama May Cooper

A poem i wrote about an amazing guy... and this is how it went lol
Cant stop loving you

Cant stop loving you

A Poem by Ama May Cooper

...just a few random words jumbled together
Dont let it be goodbye

Dont let it be goodbye

A Poem by Ama May Cooper

Reminising about a time when you cud hold the person you love so close to you... but when your scared of loosing them for good....
Scented dreams

Scented dreams

A Poem by Ama May Cooper

Its not really a poem more a list of descriptive phrasing