Christopher Laverty : Writing

A Misadventure with Spriggans

A Misadventure with Spriggans

A Story by Christopher Laverty

I tell of fairies more ill-natured now, from Kernow folktales - that I, Billy Puck, heard in my family - this one's of how a local robbed a tom..
An Encounter with The Knockers

An Encounter with The Knockers

A Story by Christopher Laverty

It happened all so quickly down in there - there in the mine - working away was I - all of a sudden - gave me such a scare - rocks were falling ..
Misled by Piskies

Misled by Piskies

A Story by Christopher Laverty

How sore my legs - but brings this fire much cheer; come gather round, I'm pleased in meeting you - Billy Puck am I, and hail from near - dr..
The Doom Watch

The Doom Watch

A Story by Christopher Laverty

Statement to the Society for Psychical Research (SPR): On July 21st, 1984, I had started my shift at 3am, doing a lookout known among the ..
Tower Block

Tower Block

A Story by Christopher Laverty

Philip returns to an office block to urgently pick up something he'd left from a previous visit, but mysterious things gets in his way.

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