Disturbingly Supernatural Anthology  July 28, 2008 - August 28, 2008

Reading and Deliberating


This is a short story contest for publication in the new Project Horror 'zine for the group Project Horror Writer's Review. Here are the rules of the contest:

1) Only short stories are permitted
2) Stories may not be any longer than 5,000 words (*note* if your story is longer it will automatically be disqualified)
3) There is a theme to the contest: DISTURBINGLY SUPERNATURAL. Each story must work with this theme
A) Please no zombie, vampire, werewolf stories
B) Do not confuse "Disturbing" for gore. Yes, a lot of gore is disturbing, but it's a cheap way out
4) Every submission will be read by me finalists will be chosen (depending on how many submission will depend on how many finalist are chosen). Once those finalists have been chosen the members of Project Horror Writer's Review will vote for the top 3-5 winners to be published in the 'zine.
5) *VERY IMPORTANT* There is no one editing the pieces that are chosen for publication. What does that mean? That means you need to have read and reread your piece, let friends read it etc. Works that are poorly written, have an abundance of typos and grammatical errors will not be chosen for the publication. It's up to you to make sure your work is polished before submitting it.

*Depending on the size and participation of this contest, this 'zine could see paper or it could be web based (though I do prefer paper). If it hits paper, those that get published will receive a free copy. At this time there is no monetary compensation for those being published.

If anything is unclear or you still have questions please feel free to message me here at the cafe so that I can clear it up for you. In the time being, keep it scary and good luck!


Ribbons, possible free paper copy of the zine.


Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural
Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural
Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural
Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural
Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural Publication in Disturbingly Supernatural


David M. Turner
David M. Turner
Greensboro, NC


8 Contestants
8 Submissions
Created Jul 28, 2008

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  • Only Project Horror Writer's Review Members can Submit
  • Only Stories can be Submitted
  • Only these Genres Can be Submitted:
    • Horror
    • Supernatural & Occult
  • Each Contestant May Submit 1 Piece of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 7/28/2008 - 8/28/2008
  • Winners will be decided by User Votes


David M. Turner is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact David M. Turner if you have any further questions.