Featured Author Contest  July 1, 2007 - July 14, 2007

Contest Completed


July Artemon Feature Entrant - [writing deleted]
July Artemon Feature Entrant - [writing deleted]


This contest will be as follows:
The first 10 entrants will be the final ten that will be voted on by the winners. I'm going to give the contest 2 weeks to run. During this time group members will submit reviews, msgs, etc to the authors...critiquing (sp?) each piece. Authors may change the submissions as they feel necessary and I'd like for everyone to wait until the last few days of the contest to vote, reading everyone's final drafts before doing so. The winner gets the featured spot in the group until a new featured contest winner is decided. Have fun and enjoy the workshop!!! (Oh, I'm limiting this one to poetry of any genre.)


Featured Group Spot


Ronnie Killingsworth
Ronnie Killingsworth
Brookhaven, MS


Created Jul 1, 2007