Sheela : Writing

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A Chapter by Sheela

I woke up slowly. I looked around the room at the nurse and at Mr. Francis. They were standing over me, and watching me hesitantly. I sat up and loo..
Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by Sheela

2 months later.. Kyra leaves
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Sheela

Kyra meets some new people.. and finds something she is not sure about
Hope and Love

Hope and Love

A Poem by Sheela

The shimmering light coming down on me As I lay staring Staring at nothing, thinking Thinking about all my yesterdays, haunting Haunting memories ..
I Am Me

I Am Me

A Poem by Sheela

I can't be who you want me to be
Hold Me Back

Hold Me Back

A Poem by Sheela

You hold me back from the things I want to do
Flame Of Anger

Flame Of Anger

A Poem by Sheela

My anger is like a flame....
In my shoes

In my shoes

A Poem by Sheela

Step in my shoes.. my life is bad
Stay Away

Stay Away

A Poem by Sheela

this is about my alcohol addiction


A Poem by Sheela

Life is everything, not just your future