and hebowed far too low
so that the brim of his hat
brushed the swept dirt of the floor;
his grin was something else,
a cross between ..
knees locked, duck-footed,
slack-jawed, nose turned skyward,
gazing with dismay
at the two ton giant
who, previously, had been meander..
sirens wail in the distance,or perhaps the foregroundas the motley crewof teenage miscreantsapproaches the towering building.comforting red plus signe..
muttered breaths,
mumbling cries,
murmuring conversations,
spoken right next to your ear.
youawake drowsiliy,
but ..
prattle along now,don't swallow your tongue,too long it isfor your large mouth,anyways.it would get lost inside,and you look beautifulas you move,void..
chattering on, aimlessly,
and not stopping for pause,
telling a story,
and walking atop anyone
or thing who would c..
the roses were,
i bent into them again,
burying myself and inhaling their musky scent,
soft and murmering of a future,
and that sleek little car always reminds me of you,
black and shining and smooth,
though yours is older now.
broken, and sold to so..
i had always itched at the sight of snailsand slugsand most everything else on the ground,fearing them so creepy and crawly thatall else ceased to mat..
something of a glint in his eye,
grease for hair
cheese for a smile.
swagger for a walk,
strut, preen.
Narcissus was les..