Addicts or former addicts or those who know an addict : Forum : I am a survivor!

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I am a survivor!

15 Years Ago

Welcome to the group!  This group is dedicated to poetry and stories about addicts.  I am addict clean for over 3 years.  I have overcome a lot in my life but I would not change anything.  I have learned from my experiences and one day hope to help others.  I would love to hear your strories and all your poems.
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Re: I am a survivor!

3 Weeks Ago

Good evening, I am an addict and an insomniac. I am getting too old for my repeating life cycles of recovery and returning health followed by use and eventual despair. I have always loved to write but have never developed a discipline for the work. For the first time in my life I have begun connecting and editing word pieces which through the years I have left scattered here and there, and have begun displaying my writing in this public forum. I began with a few pieces about my addictions; I am not sure of all the reasons. I am brand new to Writerscafe, have not yet mastered all the mechanics of the site.  My name is Michael Sun Bear. This past week I posted both poetry and biographical stories illuminating my struggles with addiction; hopefully you can find those pieces via my name.  If not, I can post again here.  Happy trails!