Authorpreneur : Forum : New "Self-Publishing"..

New "Self-Publishing" Column for the Independently Published Author

16 Years Ago

Hello everyone. I am pleased to announce my latest column for the website. I am now writing the "Self-Publication" articles for CultureFeast and I would really like to hear from each of you!

When you have time feel free to stop by and skim the first (3) articles. My column will post every Thursday and they will feature tips-and-tricks, how-to's and interviews with other self-published/ self-released  authors. If any of you have a success story you wish to share or any information you feel will be relevant to the self-publishing world, please by all means feel free to contact me for a potential interview on the website!

This is the URL to the Self-Publishing category @

I can't wait to hear from each of you!!!


~Bobby Ozuna | | author of "Proud Souls"

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Congratulations Bobby, you have a great selection of articles already. Thank you for letting us know about the column, I'm sure it will help other authors know all that information.

