DMHS Friends : Forum : Kings and Queens Acedemy

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Re: Kings and Queens Acedemy

12 Years Ago

Everyone began to crowd around Juno, who magnificent painting was taking off to a good start. Eibon only snorted, forests, elves, satyrs? She considered boring and unimaginative. She continued to add on, making the dragons more life like, the smoke popping out a little more and soon having a gathering crowd of her own. Juno glared, adding more lively scenes to her painting, having some of the sprites dance. The two continued to competitively paint while Salara tried her best with hers.   
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Popular painting?!

12 Years Ago

     "Hm... What should I paint?" Salara thought to herself aloud. Her two brothers, Hikaru and Kaoru, snuck up behind Salara to see what she would be painting, startling her in the process.
     "What are you gonna paint?" The two asked, Salara jumping in place.
     "Wah! Oh, its just you guy's..." Salara said letting out a sigh of relief. "Hmm...I don't- wait! I've got an idea!" Salara took her paint brush and began to make a red backround soon adding in windows and then herself with her Grandfather and brothers. A small crowd began to hover over Salara, Salara not noticing until she looked up.
     "Wow! You're really talented!" Miss Khalsa said. "But the red doesn't blend so well with these two boy's over here. Try darkening in the red a little more."
     "O-okay." Salara said mixing in red and black together in hopes of getting a darker red, but ending up with a dark purple. "Huh? How did this happen?!"
     "How'd what happen?" Hikaru asked leaning in to see her backround now purple. "Holy cow! Kaoru, take a look at this!"
   Kaoru leaned in as well, his eyes widening and an even bigger crowd coming over to see. Eibon and Juno began to lose their crowd of fans, soon getting up and seeing why they all went to Salara.   As soon as Eibon layed her eyes on Salara's painting, she asked, "HOW'D YOU GET YOU'RE BACKROUND TO BE SUCH A GOOD LOOKING PURPLE?!"
     "Yeah!" Juno agreed.
     "I don't know...I just mixed red and black together getting-" Salara began till she was cut off by Eibon.
     "Red and black?! I didn't think that was possible!"
   Miss Khalsa joined in, also surprised at the mixture of the two color's. "I agree, its amazing how you changed your red backround to purple with only those colors."
     "Well I also used white to get it lighter..." Salara said.
     "Can I have it when you're done?" Eibon asked.
     "Uh, actually, I was gonna give it to my grandfather." Salarah said, Eibon's anthro ears going down.
     "Aw...Okay." Eibon said and went back to her painting, everyone doing the same.
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Re: Kings and Queens Acedemy

12 Years Ago

Alkitraz ingoring everyone only focusing on his painting, he painted a fierce battle of shadowy dragons with one warrior standing out agenst the darkness but inside that warrior he painted just a kid, no man, no woman a boy maybe eight........
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Red + black = purple? And a letter?

12 Years Ago

An hour passed, Everyone cleaning up an putting all their paints away. Salara was the last to put her things away. She started to think about her painting.
      'How did the red and black turn purple?' Salara thought to herself. Salara tried to figure out, her head begining to hurt due to thinking to hard. Salara sigh's. "Guess I'll never know..."
   Hikaru and Kaoru sneak up behind Salara, scaring her by tapping on her shoulder.      "WAAA!" Salara screamed. "Oh....its just you two...What do you want?"
     "Jumpy aren't we?" They said at the same time.
      "Just answer my question..." Salara said, agrivaited her brother's were bugging her.
      "That anthro dragon girl wanted us to give you this." Hikaru said handing Salara a piece of crumbed paper.
      "What's it say?" Salara asked, reading the note.

      Hello new kid, I don't know your name yet, so I'll call you new kid. Anyway, I loved your painting. I hope your grandpa like's it! Tell you what, why don't you meet me by the school garden at 3:20 or sooner. I want to get to know everyone here more -mostly couse my mom is forcing me too.
   Hope you come! --Eibon.

     "So what'd it say?" Kaoru asked leaning in with Hikaru doing the same.
      "S-she wants me to meet her." Salara said.
      " that all?" Kaoru asked.
      "Yes. Now if you'll excuse me, Drama is next." Salara said squeezing through her twin brother's, walking out the door and walking over to the Drama room.
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Drama class script's

12 Years Ago

     "Good morning class. I'm Mrs. Pam and I'll be your drama teacher." The drama teacher, Mrs. Pam said. "We won't be proforming just yet, but instead, we'll be working on you're acting skill's."
    Mrs. Pam paired the students up with one another, having them work on the mirror exorsise. Next, they were given a practice script to work on, each one different and indivisuale. (You guy's can choose what you want to do for it.)
    Salara had to act like an evil villan in her assignment...Salara wasn't so thrilled with her part, but in order to get a good grade, she would have to act the part.

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