DMHSF (Desert Marigold High School Friends)
Welcome back, now, lets get to..
Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoYes, I made another one for us to be able to write story's. So, if you have any ideas on what we should write about, post here!
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoOnce upon a time.... Mr. Martin decided to make the high schoolers do some "Community service"... in other words: forced cild slave labor. So as they dug holes for trees in stupidly stiff Arizona dirt out in the blistering heat of the afternoon they were not anticipating anything exciting to happen... except perhaps somebody collapsing from heat stroke.
"Girls! you don't need 8 people to dig one hole." scolded Mr. Martin. "Hey! I am here too!" said Riley who had hidden among them. "Sorry Riley." "Mr. Martin we're making exec lent progress though!" protested Siana. "Yeah, only you, Rachel, and Alana are actually digging though." said Mr. Martin. "We're giving moral support! It's very helpful." assured Yasmine. "Okay, whatever girls... and Riley, just as long as you complete all the holes in time." said Mr. Martin shaking his head walking away. "Ugh! my shovel. is. stuck!" said Rachel hopping on top of it hoping to drive it further down. "I know! the dirt is so thick! what on earth are they thinking of trying to grow here?" complained Alana. "Just a little further..."muttered Siana wiping the sweat out of her eyes. *clang* "... What was that...?" asked Yasmine peering into the hole. TBC, now I've started one, somebody continue! :) |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoThe teens removed he shovel and peered into the hole with wonder. Yasmine, who was without a doubt the one on the peek of insanity reached in and tried grabbing the object they hit. Her hand grasped a hard rock which she pulled out and revealed to be a smooth gem that glowed when the sunlight hit. The teens leaned in to examine it further.
"Whoa!" Siana said. "How awesome is that?!" Riley asked excitedly as he took the gem and brought it closer to his face. Rachel took it next and said "But isn't it suspicious that this gorgeous rock was randomly in this desserted waist land of hard rock in this spot?" "No." they replied and Rachel replied "Figures." "Lets take it inside!!" Sarah said. "AND FLAUNT IT TO THE TEACHERS!!" Yasmine agreed and they bolted inside, not noticing the ground quake slightly and the skeletal hand appearing from the hole. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago "Mr. Martin! Look at what we found!" Yasmine said walking into the High School office only to find it empty.
"Where's Mr. Martin? Didn't he just come in here?" Rachel said. "Where did he go?" Sarah asked. "AHHH! GET THE F#@?! OFF ME!" Rylie (Girl) screamed. Everyone turned to see a skeleton clinging onto Rylie and draging her to the whole they had dug up. "HELP!" "Rylie!" Everyone said and chased after, kicking and punching the skeleton. Annoyed at the teens, it dropped Rylie and took ahold of Sarah's leg and jumped down the hole. "SARAH!" Everyone screamed. "HELP!" Sarah's voice echoed. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago"AIN'T NO WAY IN HELL IS THAT THING GONNA TAKE MY SARAH!!" Yasmine bellowed and shoved the rock into Siana's hand. "Hold my rock!!"
"No need to pull a White Chicks movie moment." Siana said. Yasmine then dove into the hole along with the others. (i didn't think Rylie was in this thread) |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago(Wait, we're only doing us who are on this thread?)
"L-let me go!" Sarah pleaded as she was taken deeper into the hole. "You took our jem so I was sent to retreave one of you in return." The skeleton clattered. "Let me go!" Sarah repeated. "Humph! You better keep that mouth of yours shut if you don't want to be fed to the dogs. (Think of Fluffy from Harry Potter)" The skeleton threatedned, Sarah squeeked and keept her mouth shut the rest of the way. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago "Ah! Yasmine! don't jump in after them!" cried Siana shoving the stone into Rachel's hands and she and Alana attempted to drag Yasmine out of the hole.
"NOOO! SARAH!!! RYLIE!!! I HAVE TO GET THEM BACK!!!" screamed Yasmine thrashing. "We will! but if we just go charging after them we'll get captured too!" protested Alana. "Where is it! where is it!" hissed the skeletons crawling out of the other holes as well. The other high schoolers screamed and ran for the building. "GIVE US BACK OUR FRIENDS!" shouted Siana smacking a skeleton as it came near her. It didn't even flinch, just kept on charging forward. "They're not even paying any attention to us!" said Alana. "THEY'RE AFTER THE STONE! WHO HAS THE STONE?!" shouted Yasmine looking wildly about. "KYAAAA!" shouted Rachel as cold, boned, fingers curled around her. "Rachel watch out!" shouted Riley grabbing onto her, but it was too late. The skeletons had closed in on them and in a instant dragged them down. RACHEL! RILEY!" shouted their friends, but they were gone, and the holes had closed behind them. "Quick! this was a old farm land; surly there is an old seller somewhere! maybe it connects to where ever they took Rylie, Sarah, Rachel, and Riley!" said Siana. "hurry! we don't know what they're doing to them!" shouted Yasmine. *down below* "Stay away!" shouted Rylie as she and Sarah were backed into a dirt wall, suddenly the skeletons paused, and started clattering to each other. then they turned around and sank into the ground. "W-What on earth?" Sarah asked as she and Rylie were left alone in a winding maze beneath the ground. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoYasmine, Siana and Alana located the old farm house, going down a flight of stairs and coming to the basement. They found the cellar but it was chained shut. Siana and Alana tried opening it with force but it didn't budge.
"We gotta get rid of these chains." Siana said. "With what though?" Alana asked, "MOVE!!" Yasmine bellowed, a rusty chainsaw in her hands and it was roaring to life in a fury. Siana and Alana quickly moved to the side as Yasmine let down the rotating blade which sashed the chains away into dust. The chainsaw then died and the blade crumbled into dust. Yasmine grabbed the handles and pulled them up, dust flying in the air as she did so. "G-Good work Yazzy." Alana praised, though scared for the skeleton men. "Let's go." Siana said the girl climbed in. ~ * ~ Rachel was seized by the arms and dragged along the way as the skeleton men took her into a large room. The rock was still tightly in her grasp as they seated her on a throne and bowed. "The great one....has returned." the groaned. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago"Where the hell are we?" Siana asked as the door swung open showing a cavernous room below the farm house.
"I don't know," Alana replied, "But it sure doesn't look like the cellar to a farm house." "I don't care what it is!" Yasmine raged, "I just want my Sarah and Rachel back!" "For our ranting buddies!!" Siana screamed as they charged deeper into the cellar. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago"Um... the great one? do you mean the stone?" asked Riley. The skeletons didn't pay attention to him and dragged a protesting Rachel up some stair to a dais where sat a old skeleton covered in jewels. This one however was really dead. They shoved the empty shell away and pushed Rachel and Riley down on the giant chair.
"What on earth...?" mumbled Rachel really confused. "Rachel! the stone is glowing!" said Riley alarmed, Rachel's eyes wider at the glowing blue stone in her hand... then her eyes and her face seemed to go blank. oOoOo "Helloooo! buddies! you better be searching for us because we are lost as @#$%!" shouted Rylie throughout the caves. "Rylie..." mumbled Sarah suddenly pointing |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoYasmine's ears perked as she made out the echoing voice of her friend Rylie and she pointed down the left tunnel. Alana, Siana and herself raced down till Yasmine tackeled an unexpecting Sarah to the floor and Rylie said "Oh there you are."
"Ow...." Sarah mumbled. "Where's Rachel?" Siana asked. "Don;t know, probably down here somewhere." Rylie replied. After Yasmine has squeezed the life from Sarah, she hopped up and bellowed "ONWARD, TO THE RACHEL AND RILEY!!" |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago "Wait, they got kidnapped too?!" Sarah asked in total shock.
"Yeah, those damn skeloten's took them down here, along with my jewel. Curse those skeletons for their evil deed. I WILL GET MY RACHEL AND RILEY IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" Yasmine bellowed. She took Sarah by the wrist. "Come on guy's! Let's find our friends!" Everyone followed Yasmine -appareantly acting as the leader- and came into a room with a linp Rachel sitting on a thrown and a worried Riley trying to wake her up. "RACHEL! RILEY!" Everyone cried, Riley turning and running towards the group. "GUY'S!" Riley said takling everyone in a hug. "Hurry! Rachel suddenly started glowing and fainted!" "OH NO! How DARE they make Rachel starve!" Yasmine said. "And the worst part is, the jewel turned into a braclet and won't come off her now and these creepy skeletons are akting like she's their Queen!" |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoAs the skeleton men came in, noticing the intrution, Yasmine lifted a large rock and threw it with miraculous strength. The shattered and Rylie went to Rachel, trying to remove the bracelet but it shocked her instead. Waving her finger to dull the pain as she said "Siana, Alana, grab her and lets get out of here!!"
Siana and Alana seized a limb and dragged the unconcious Rachel away. Yasmine was bitten at and grabbed at but kicked and flipped the skeletons over till she was grabbed by the scruff of her shirt and pulled down the tunnel by Sarah. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago"And... we're lost." groaned Siana as they stared at the 4 pronged fork in the road. They could here the skeletons chattering behind them.
"Quick! split up!" shouted Yasmine. "Bad idea!" Riley. "How will we ever reconnect? we'll be even MORE lost." said Siana. "Ah! they're coming! run!" shouted Rylie grabbing Yasmine's shoulder and taking off. "Hurry! I can see them!" said Riley taking off with Alana down another hall. "Guys wait up!" shouted Sarah running down a tunnel that she obviously thought the others had gone down (but was actually a whole different one) "Way to leave me the body(Rachel)! and what did I tell you guys about splitting up!" shouted Siana after them. She singed and went to pick up Rachel but she wasn't there. Suddenly a sharp, blinding, pain hit the back of her head and Siana collapsed unconscious to the floor. Rachel stood behind her clutching a heavy rock. Her expression was completely blank and detached and all color had bled from her eyes leaving them white. As soon as the on coming skeletons saw her they stopped and knelt to the ground before her. Rachel did not open her mouth but a voice seemed to echo from within her, like an audible thought. 'very good my minions, this new host is much stronger then the last, with much fighting spirit. I have never had a living host before and I like this much better I have put her into a deep slumber however, she will not wake. There are fresh prey lose in the maze, collect them quickly. Soon they shall join our ranks and we shall ware their skins in order to obtain even more followers. From this girls memories I can see the overland and it's glories and I want it. The world ripe for our plucking and we shall take it. This girl (Siana) take her to THAT room, use her soul as a sacrifice to awaken the Beasts with them nothing can stop us.' the skeletons chattered and carried the limp Siana off, the possessed girl that had once been Rachel turned to the maze, 'It appears that you are trying to escape, though you don't even know what you're escaping from. The result is the same however, now that you are here I shall never let you go' with that Rachel's arm rose with a flick and the bracelet glowed... and the earth of the maze moved. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoYasmine, Rylie and Sarah were hopelessly lost in the maze. Yasmine has long ago collapsed from running and rescuing her friends. She was on her knees as she mumbled "So...hungry..."
"Come on you need to get up!!" Sarah said desperatly. "Yasmine up, lets go!!" Rylie said. The three then felt the cave shift and widen. Yasmine fell over from the movement and fell on her face. Sarah screamed as they saw the army of skeleton men along with Rachel leading them. Seize them!! a voice that wasn't Rachel's declared and the skeletons charged. Suddenly filled with energy as she bolted up and the three ran for it. Sarah was grabbed by the sleeve as the skeleton men bit into her flesh she screamed "YASMINE!! RYLIE!!" Yasmine stopped, turned around and tackled the skeleton down to the floor. She grabbed a rock and smashed the skeletons head to ashes. She grabbed Sarah and helped her up but the two were surronded. "RYLIE, FIND ALANA AND SIANA!!" Yasmine screamed as she grabbed anouth rock and began chucking them at the skeletons to put as much distance between them as possible. Rylie ran, Yasmine now throwing punches and guarding Sarah. She turned and found Rachel with a stone in her hand. She had knocked out Sarah when Yasmine's back was turned. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Yasmine screamed angrily and accidentally punched Rachel in the jaw. The skeletons advanced on Yasmine and pinned her down. They took the two and led them to the room Siana was currently in. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoRylie ran franticly about the maze, often turning into a dead end.
"$%@#! Not another dead end!" Rylie bellowed. When she turned around, a figure ran into her, the two falling to the floor. "What the hell?!" "Rylie! I'm so glad to see you, I lost Siana and I can't find anyone." The figure said. It was Alana. "What if she's getting F@$#@% up by those skelitons?!" Rylie asked. "I know, I'm scared about that too. Are Yasmine and Sarah okay?" "......They...they got caught..." Rylie said sadly. "WHAT?! WE NEED TO FIND THEM THEN!" Alana bellowed. Suddenly, the two girls were surrounded by dark Rachel and the skelitons, taken out and dragged to the place Siana, Yasmine and Sarah were being held. "Just one more to go my minnions." Dark Rachel said the rest left to search for the little Riley. ~*~ Sarah had groggly woke up and feeling strange. When she moved, she found herself tied up, along with Yasmine and Siana who were still asleep. "Yasmine? Siana? OW!" Sarah groaned as she felt the sharp pain coming from the bite she had gotten from the skeletion on her shoulder, cringing whenever she moved. She was soon gagged from behind by one of the skeletions; unable to speak. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoSuddenly Sarah noticed that there were a few captors that weren't skeletons.
'Mr. Martin?! and the other teachers too?! they must have been possessed this whole time by these creatures! No wonder he gave us that weird digging assignment! this was their plan all along!' thought Sarah franticly. The door burst open and four skeleton men came back in carrying a moaning Rachel. '@#$% it!' hissed the voice that was possessing her, 'it's only been two hours since you last ate, stupid host! what is wrong with you!' "Must... have... food..." groaned Rachel even through her unconscious state, her stomach growling loudly. 'A one hour break while I see about sustaining my useless host! see that the ritual is ready to begin as soon as I am done though!' commanded the one who was possessing Rachel. The skeletons chattered noisily too each other and moved off. Sarah sighed in relief; saved by Rachel odd eating habits. Suddenly Sarah caught sight of something small and black shifting in a slight hole high above them. Her eyes winded. 'Riley!' |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years Ago 'Shhh! I'm gonna try to save you guy's.' Riley whispered and ran off to find anything he could use to save his friends.
'Riley!' Sarah thought franticaly, worrying about if he were to be captured, they'd all be doomed and be the host to skelotins. "I need food...." Rachel groaned. 'Shut up stupid host! I already know that you are hungry!' The other side of Rachel bellowed. 'Now where is that @#$% food!' A skelotin came back with a large plate of meat and Rachel dove right for it, stuffing her face in the meat. Once done with her third round of meat, the Rachel that was taking over her asked, 'I sure hope that is all.' "Yes." Rachel replied. 'Good. Now until we find the boy, we'll start with the host's we've got here.' She said and noticed Sarah was awake out of the rest who were still knocked out and sleeping. 'Let's start with you. I know one of my minions are just dieing to be you're host.' Sarah's eyes widend and was lifted up by a skelotin. Rachel walked over to a wall, punched it and reveiled a yellow jem. She took it out of the wall and walked back over to Sarah. A chair was pulled out, Sarah being forced to sit down. Rachel set the sparkly yellow jem on Sarah's lap and it began to glow. Sarah then started to glow yellow and soon found herself in a dark place. She had blacked out and the jem that was once in her lap was now a golden necklace. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoYasmine was awakened by the gurgling of her stomach making her slowly blink herself awake. Her vision was slightly blurred but she yawned widely and tried lifting her handto rub her hand only to find herself restrained. All the events that had occured suddenly rushed back and she tried struggling up. Riley was squatting down and quickly making his way to Siana, cutting the ropes from her. Yasmine began to struggled, Riley seeing the flailing Yasmine and trying the whisper "No pretend to sleep!"
"Eh?" Yasmine asked but tumbled over, catching Rachel's attention. Yasmine locked eyes with Rachel and attempted to worm away, using her chin as a support but was seized by the ropes and pulled up. Awake are we? Rachel asked, a smug smirk on her face. Yasmine then jumped up, able to kick at air but fall on her back instead and bringing the skeletal men with her. Rachel cackled, and said Silly child, my minion is simply dying to control you. "YOU CAN'T CONTAIN THE AWESOMENESS OF THE ALMIGHTY!!" Yasmine bellowed. Rachel only laughed, finding Yasmine's outbursts humorous. With a pop of the shoulder, which sent a chill down Yasmine's spine, she weaved her fingers and in the palms of her hand was a light blue gem. The skeleton men seized Yasmine by the arms as she tried struggling but they gripped her hair hard and forced her to look up at the evil Rachel that stood before her. She placed the gem on her forehead and with a bolt of lightening it fazed through, leaving a arrow going down from her forehead, weaving down her back and appearing on her hands and feet as well till they attached on her back. Yasmine went limp, the skeletons releasing her to fall on her head with her eyes wide open. She twitched uncontrollably and Rachel said towards her minions Take her to a room to rest, the one of Balance will soon be awakened. The minions, their teachers, took Yasmine and began to slowly pace towards the next room, the arrows on Yasmine's body slowly glowing like a blinking flash light. Yasmine then disappeared in another part of the cave. |
Re: Welcome back, now, lets get to doing story's together!12 Years AgoSiana was doing a wonderful job of pretending to be asleep while Riley was cutting her ropes and her friends were being possessed by crazy skeleton zombie thingies. Yep, perfectly normal. Siana just started to worry a little bit more now that she realized that there was no Ariana to feed the zombie thingies until she could get out safely and she was the only one left.
"Riley, I suggest you hurry up," Siana whispered to Riley who was trying to untie her bonds. "Going as fast as I can," Riley whispered back. "Good, because if you don't manage to get me out soon, I think I'm next on the menu." Riley muttered something under his breath then Siana felt a release on her wrists. "Great! Let's get outta here!" She hissed, "While the skeleies are gone." "Too late," Riley said, pointing at the door that had just opened, revealing "Rachel" and her minions. "Aw damn," Siana muttered, "Why can nothing go according to the hero's wishes?" "Because that would make the story boring!" Riley said, "Now, run!" |