DMHSF (Desert Marigold High School Friends)
The forgotten
The forgotten12 Years AgoOkay, here is a thread where we'll all be of royal blood and the best part is, we're can be any species we want to be. We'll all come together on Earth (for those who will be from out of this world -aliens) for the same objective........well, we'll think on what that objective should be as we progress throughout the thread. For now, lets create our character's!
A few helpful info to put in: Name: Age: Species: Looks: Personality: Color (If you want to): And that is pretty much it. If you can think of anything else, you can add that too. (Maybe a backstory of their life?) (P.s. I came up with the title, Yasmine came up with the storyline info as you can see above) |
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoName: Celty Howl
Age: 17 Species: lycanthropy (hedgehog) Looks: Personality: Can be rather care free but serious in battle. On full moons, her personality changed to something fierce and cold heart. Loves food, her people and shopping. Has a friend names Gaara and Naruto; both lycanthropies as well. Species back story: An underground colony that actually has the power to take over the world. But they're quite humble and aren;t up for war. Their colonies are split into four villages which are ruled by the young minded. Wind ruled by Gaara, Fire ruled by Naruto, Earth ruled by Celty and Water ruled by Xerxes. The four rulers are quite close but are seperated one day when the humans find their base and get their people to scatter (will post that in thread :)) Weapon: Special gloves that allow her animal side to appear on her hands. Lycathropy look: Gam_nightofthewerehog_490.jpg |
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoName: Zendora Barsoom Age: 17 Speices: Alien -from Mars Looks: <--- But her eyes are gold and her outfit would be red. Personality: Air head sometimes (maybe), nice and kind -sweet, creative -drawing and writting, likes sweets, tomboy and the water on Earth -due to her being on a dry planet. (Might think of more) Color: Red Character backstoryish: Zendora Barsoom is the Mars Princess, but is anything but a regular Princess. She doesn't act lady like very much, instead, she is a tomboy and loves to draw art (Though she is growing tired of sketching just mars) and writting adventure story's. She seek's permission from her mean mother, the queen and her wonderful father, the king, to go down to Earth and get some more inspiration there. (Done! Sorta...maybe...might think of more personality to add.) |
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoForget making characters! let's start this thing! the Characters will come with the story!
We're using the start Yazzy gave. START Water dripped down upon silvery white hair of a young girl about 16 years of age. As the droplets touched her form they turned a sparkling gold and joined the molten like pool in which she was seated. "Elliania! there you are! you were due to be matched to the son of the Earth country hours ago! Just because you don't want to marry a stranger doesn't mean you get to throw a tantrum!" shouted an attendant opening a door at the top of a long stair. The daughter of Xerxes (the water lord) raised her blood red eyes to lazily glance at the attendant. "You're loud." she murmured and flicked her wrist. The water rose in a whip and with a *crack* the attendant was thrown back out the door which sealed shut with ice. "Now," said Elliania shifting her hands over the golden water making it turn all maner of rainbow colors, "I have already made up my mind not marry that stuck up prick they call a prince of the Earth country, which mean I must run away it seems. Nobody loyal to the Water or the Earth kingdoms will assist me now..." she tapped her chin thoughtfully, the a smile lit up her face and her red eyes sparkled, "I guess I'll just have to get Calsifer to help me, the heir to the Fair kingdom wouldn't mind causing a little mischief for the Water kingdom I expect." With that she stood and stepped into the whirl of colors she had created and disappeared. (I realize that Yasmine said colonies but by then... oh well, good start?) |
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoRachel u need to make a character and give us information on the species their from cause it confuses the thread. I don;t even know what ur character looks like!! post it and answer the questions Sarah was nice to provide. I only added cause we were gonna start some day. We were also waiting a while to see who wanted to join or not but oh well. Also are you of the same species as my people cause Xerxes is like only 17....thats pretty scary. Please post ur character information and i'll post the other 3 ppl that i made for this. Thank u :) 1st: Gaara. Age: 17 Species: Lycathropy (raccoon) Looks: Like Gaara from Naruto Shippuden 2nd: Naruto age: 17 Species: Lycathropy (fox) Looks: Like Naruto 3rd: Xerxes age: 17 Species: Lycathropy (octopus) Looks: like Break from PH |
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoUPSET!!! Leaving UGH!!! DO NOT USE MY CHARACTERS AS OF TODAY!! *beep* hello u have just witnesed the insanity of Imagination-mage, please heed the warning above or she will find u and have to destroy u. until she has cooled down, please allow her to escape the sanctuary of her bedroom to get her happy place back. Thank you :)
Pause the story!!!!!12 Years AgoRachel-chan....please stop posting for now....I'm sorry, but my character does NOT act to open fire. She is nice and kind -sweet. NOT....umm....the type of girl that would have a gun. Please Rachel. Let's figure things out before actually starting this...kay? (And as you can see from the post above, Yasmine is pretty upset -along with me.)
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoOkay, so this is what I have for Rachel's character: Name: Elliania Age: 15 Species: Lycathropy (???) <--- What aquetic animal do you want to be? Looks: Short and messy unusual white hair, red eyes, pale skin and short. Personality: Love's her element of water but doesn't care for her country too much |
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoHeres the story line:
Everyone from different species of creature all come to Earth to look for the one object their people either need or something to redeem urself for your people. Do NOT use the description i posted cause that's only Celty's part. Everyone adds their own parts to this thread at least inform us what u are please >:( i am not a happy camper |
Re: The forgotten12 Years Agooops, sorry, never done one of these before, thought it was just make it up as you go along. You can just take out that part then, you'll have to explain when I get back, I don't really get it... ah well just go from where you left off before :) sorry again peoples! I won't post again.
Re: The forgotten12 Years AgoFar under ground lived a race of lycathropies who hid their identities from the humans, fearing the worst from them. They were an advanced species of part human part animal who changed over the full moon. But aside from the savage beast that lived inside them, they were quite hostile and kind hearted towards other races. This hidden civilization was split into four parts; water, earth, fire and air all ruled by the strongest of their colonies. The one of Air was a raccoon lycathropy who went by Gaara, a mysterious 17 year old boy who always seemed to have a hard, serious attitude but was gentle towards his comrades. The one of water was a water haired boy who ruled with his sister whom was due for a marridge, both having the abilities of bending the waters that flowed through the Earth and his name was Xerxes a rather carefree boy who always put his younger sister first. The one of Fire was a rather knuckle head some would call but always put his peoples lives before himself, always looking out for others just like his father before him. The last ruler of Earth was named Celty, known for her power and way with her people. Though she seemed the most mature (aside from Gaara) she was the one who was cursed to changing from the human to lycathropy stage of her cycle. The four rulers were due for a meeting together discussing the marriage of Xerxes's little sister Elliana and Celty's younger brother Bolin into marriage but the two were being...stubborn. Thus the troublesome story begins....
Re: The forgotten12 Years Agook Rachel, u can put that one post up now!!
Re: The forgotten12 Years Ago(Gonna put mine up until Rachel comes) Zendora Barsoom: a seventeen year old who lives in a palace with her mean mother, the queen, and loving father, the king. She is the princess of Mars and is gazing out her bedroom window, her golden eyes filled with bordom with nothing to do. She is wearing her red and white dress and golden tiara in her short brunette hair. She get's up and walkes over to her walk in closet and desides to put on her tomboy outfit, even though her mother hates it when she wears it. Once she is finnished getting dressed, she comes out wearing a white shirt, jet black jeans with a dark red strap, red jacket vest, red and white running shoes, gold googles, black fingerless gloves and a black scarf. "Let's try this again." Zendora said tightnigh her gloves. "Will today be the day I can leave this boring planet and go to a different one? Well, let's find out if I can." (Do not post what will happen next to her please) |