Dear Abby... : Forum : Dear Abby,

Dear Abby,

14 Years Ago

Dear Abby,

I have some problems that I'm not sure how to stop. I'm an addict of the worst kind.....I'm an addicted to a really big jerk! I just can't seem to stay away from him no matter how many times he tells me and warns me to. He treats everyone like s**t if they don't go with what he says and if I wasn't so fuggin crazy bout him I've made sure he was out of the picture too. He's hurt me and I've gotten in some serious trouble bc of him....but I keep going back for more. How should I handle this and get over this jerk??

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I am in the same situation... kinda . I dated this guy on and off three times last year . And now what I am doing to get over him (I still kinda like him) is to date other people . And I will give you one valuable piece of information, HOT GUYS ARE JERKS, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE, ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS IS WHAT IS ON THE INSIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I'd avoid him. Just stay out of his way. Use your will power...
Try dating another guy (and I don't mean just using some random kid, I mean finding a guy you know is a nice guy, not a jerk).
Ask one of your close me, she'll be able to slap some sense into you.
Good luck.