Du Vrangr Gata (The Wandering Path)
Who has read Eragon by Christo..
Who has read Eragon by Christopher Paolini and enjoyed it?16 Years AgoI read it and loved it, but apparently it got terrible reviews. People say he was only a copy of Tolkien, and nothing more. I think that Eragon and Eldest are both excellent books, but that is my opinion and I guess it's one not many people share...
[no subject]16 Years AgoI have read Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr. I liked them all three, and I certainly put them amongst my favourites - if not my absolute favourite. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoHe actually borrowed not so much from Tolkien compared to these; Beowulf; Tons from this ancient piece of art. For one, there's a dragon, but more importantly there's named swords (one is called 'Aegling' in Beowulf and those who have read Brisingr will see a sword called 'Naegling') a demon-dude and most importantly, 'Hrothgar' (king of the dwarves in Eragon and Eldest) is the name of the king over Beowulf. Ursula K. Le Guin; mostly minor things, but the major thing that a magic word is a word spoken in Elvish. I think the criticisms of the Inheritance Cycle are more than true. Brisingr dropped flat in the first few chapters. But still, I find myself attracted to the series. I'm pretty proud of Chris P for getting his book on there. |