Establishing Greatness -to write with blood. : Forum : To spark the change

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To spark the change

17 Years Ago

Yes, that's right; something needs to change. Nothing needs to change in writing; something needs to change about reading and reviewing. As a group of writers we do ourselves no justice with false ratings other than boost our morale for a most disappointing future let down.

I think it would be safe to say that the majority of the users on here are here for the same reason; we all have the same dream of huge commercial success. (For the writers using Writer's Cafe who have given up on commercial success and this is your last resort, this article is not for you)
This article is for the aforementioned group.


I propose that we develop a key or a set of guidelines for our rating system. Perhaps if there were 5 universal categories to grade our work, we can establish a more uniform rating system; then we will actually be able to see where we need to improve in our own writings.

Fortunately feelings heal, so by all means let the writer know exactly how their work struck you, but do so with grace. Consider it a test as a writer to easily let another writer know where his or her poem or story is failing while complimenting what they did well.

Don't be critical -critique.

Authors, do not take all comments personally, the good ones, the bad ones- let both of them go sometimes. I know it's hard to bite your tongue or your nails and just say, "Okay." but do it, you don't have to justify yourself unless you are absolutely fervent about a misinterpretation of your work.

When you do let the critiquing author know their opinion is askew, once again, do so with grace. Keep in mind that all people on Earth are entitled to their own opinion and just let them know yours. By all means spend a few moments getting to know your fellow writers by persuading them and understanding what they meant, you will both grow.

If you can't say something nice too, then don't say anything.

If you can consider a comment with a rating of 3-stars that reads, "I think you have a good poem and the flow was great, but it was lacking in a few other areas that are considered to be key. I gave you three stars for your use of personification and alliteration and your flawless flow, I withheld two stars because, in my humble opinion, I think that the rhyming was forced and the constant repetition made me feel as if I was lost and I hardly liked it.

Notice how the respect of the author is granted to him.


1-star is a poem lacking in many areas after a literary analysis.
2-stars is a poem just below average,
3-stars is an average poem, this rating should be granted the most.
4-stars is an above average poem, this type of poem included many literary techniques and was near-flawless
5-stars is a poem that is essentially flawless

My Fav. Well, that is between you and the work.



That is an absolute no-no. An opinion based on bias is a snake, lying in wait.

Hopefully with the cooperation of everyone on the site we will be able to create guidelines of good literature and all of us can grow.

*Note: I said, ''Guidelines...� not rules.

So let�s start drawing them up and I bet we'll all grow.

I can't do it alone though, this is a group effort, who is in?


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

so what's next?
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Ahem... talk people.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

count me in too ::happy::

    [no subject]

    17 Years Ago

    My recommendation is to forego the star ratings completely. Always select "not interested" option, and give your review/advice. The stars are an ego-stroke, and I'm not interested in ego-strokes. I want real advice and real opinions.

    Just my thoughts... ::smile::
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    [no subject]

    17 Years Ago

    Definately I agree, 5 stars or no stars, gtg peace

    [no subject]

    17 Years Ago

    Stars or no stars - I could care less. Let's just agree to keep reviews "professional". You have some good suggestions already. I generally write what I feel at the time of reading, and I do my best to remain professional about my reviews, though at times it's pure emotion, but only if it really moved me. ::smile:: If I see errors, I try to point them out the best I can - that's when I tend to go English teacher on people. So far, no one seems to mind. I don't post anything up here that I don't want suggestions for to make them better and I try to treat everyone the same. I also try to keep in mind the age (I have some teenagers on here from my club) of the person, and whether or not they already know their spelling sucks, as some have stated in their bios. Said person is not reminded of bad spelling when I review their work... because I actually read their bio and respect them.

    Other than that, I'll see what I can come up with, but I have a final to study for right now so I'm gonna scat.
