God: Real Or Fake? Forum Friends
Friends12 Years AgoBy creating this group I had almost lost a great friend:(I am the same person that I was befor you knew this secreat about me. So can you please tell me why you are treating me different? Has anyone else been in a situation where a loved one has left you because they found out a secret about you?
Re: Friends12 Years AgoI had a similar situation with my cousin; the whole issue was brought up when talking about the denominations of Christianity. He being a member of the church of Christ, myself being non-denominational, sparked quite an argument. After it was over, and our points on baptism and the relevance of all the different religious practices were said, we came to a moment of silence; we didn't talk for a month. Finally i messaged him on facebook, he messaged me back, and we agreed never to talk of religion with each other again; i learned an important lesson. If your values are at its core the same, and you enjoy the company of each other, religion plays no part.
Re: Friends12 Years AgoYes, I have been in a situation where I Had a friend leave me because I told them I was a Wiccan, or pagan. And that I believed in a god and a goddess. Yet to me, these entities were not real people, but nothing more than energy that could be found all around us. Me being pagan, I believe in facts and truth, evolution and science, because magic that we witches do is nothing more than science and the power of mind that every human possesses. My friend believed me to be a worshiper of the devil, which we pagans don't believe, we only believe in the good, and he thought I were a manipulator and someone who would curse him or hurt him. We pagans have one rule, one thing we live by, and that is: do no harm, do as you will. So you can do whatever you wish or desire as long as you do no harm of any kind, not even to plants or animals unless it is for survival, like food, shelter and clothing. He left me and was convinced I was doing the devils bidding. It really hurt, he was a good friend, but these things happen.
My people believe that every religion is correct. If you believe in a god, or goddess, then go ahead and do so. If u believe it is true, then it is true and real for that person. Pagans a not like other religions, we are quiet, keep to ourselves, and don't try to convert others. Religion is a private affair and you will never see us knocking on your door, or thumping bibles on the street. It does not change the person, if someone is not willing to forgive and forget when it comes to personal beliefs, and are not willing to stay friends, then they are not someone to be friends with. Friends remain true no matter what |