Largest Writerscafe Group Ever : Forum : Featured writer, featured work

Featured writer, featured work

17 Years Ago

Each week, I, as group moderator, will select at random a writer and a work from our group to be featured. Every Monday at midnight(ish), Pacific time, I will change both the writer and the work.

This is an effort to not only help promote the individuals who are featured for the week, but also to motivate people to constructively criticize and comment on said writer and work, and possibly (hopefully) other writers and other works that are not currently featured.

Also, I want this group to encourage each other in this lofty endeavor of writing. Any and all genres, as you may have noticed, are welcome to join this group. This is because I do not belive in such rigid segregation of genre, for both technical and stylistic reasons. I have always opposed the gap between fiction and poetry, and any genre or sub-genre created thenceforth. For this reason, I will randomly monitor all reviews, and if I feel, for any reason, that someone has said something offensive or otherwise inappropriate, I will warn once and then ban forever that user/group member. Yes, I do have that kind of power. :)

Lastly, have fun. That is all.

Your Friendly Nightowl Moderator,


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I like the way you've set this group up and I do hope that people respect it for what it is a place for writers to improve the work they do. Thanks